Jun 20, 2009 13:52
Freaking Spock-muse will not leave me alone, lol.
"Tell me what you're thinking." It's almost a plea, for some transparency, something to tell him what's going on in that mind.
He shakes his head, just slightly, barely movement, goes to stand in front of the view screen, the empty hole in space where only a few stars had dared to take up residence yet in the wake of what had come before. "That would be... ill-advised," he says finally, choosing his words carefully, his tone more even than it had any right to be.
Kirk sighs at that, goes to stand behind the Vulcan, wrap his arms around his waist and try not to be disappointed when he doesn't relax, doesn't let this be comfort. "It was your home," he says, soft, not trying to open old wounds but trying to speed along the healing process, if it was even possible. "You have the right to be upset. It's okay to be sad."
"I know." For a moment Jim can almost feel Spock's resolve waver, falter, but it doesn't last. It rarely does.
"Spock." It's funny how his first officer's reticence, his reluctance to show or even let himself feel whatever had to be going on in there when the space his planet once occupied was right in front of him, when they were passing right by... hurt him. Like some strange transference, he couldn't stop thinking about it.
Like it's giving, a cable losing its support and going slack, the Vulcan brings a hand up to cover Jim's.
His grip is tight enough to hurt, but the captain says nothing.
james t kirk,
star trek,