I would have made some huge flaily post directly after, but I couldn't think. Because.. I couldn't. Because it was too much wonderful fantastic goodness. So, today - while I sit in the hospital for a good seven hours or more trying not to lose my mind and be admitted to the psychward (Which I think is a hospitals secret plan. They're windy, twisty, confusing, and full of depression. They want you to go crazy in a waiting room so they can admit you. Mwhahaha.)
Anyways. GLEE STUFF UNDER THE CUT. Because I dont want to ruin it for anyone, even though I think everyone I know has watched it already.
This episode was so full of fantastic goodness that I think I flattened my pillow by clutching it so hard, and probably pissed off my hotel neighbors from squeeing and keeping the TV loud. Oh well. They can suck it, because it was exactly what I needed. I needed to be taken out of my depressing worried crapped up mood and into something... better.
First. I have to say. MY OTP, GUYS. WILL AND EMMA. EMMA CAME BACK AND WILL TOTALLY CONFESSED HIS LOVE TO HER AND THEY KISSED. She was totally lying about the stupid dentist. And I loved that she screamed at the principal. I love the twist in that. I love how Will ran to her for support, and she was so calm about it. But when Glee was really over, she was the one screaming about it, and Will was the calm one.
"Some things are worth fighting for."
"You mean like the kids? Yes of course."
"Anything else?"
"No. This is about Glee Club. This is not about us."
"The hell it is! I love you, Emma. There. I finally said it. And you love me, and dentist or no, this thing isn't between us."
♥ ♥ ♥ GOD. I'm so happy they didn't just throw Emma to the side. I fucking ADORE Emma and Will. So. Much.
Next couple. FINN AND RACHEL ♥ If it weren't for Emma and Will, I think Finn and Rachel would be my OTP. Maybe. Even if Rachel does get on my last nerves sometime.
"Break a leg."
"I love you."
HEE. That was adorable and probably made me squee the most, mainly because directly after the chords for one of my all time favorite songs began, and New Directions performance was underway.
Speaking of the songs, lets get into that. Every every EVERY song in this episode I absolutely love. When I saw the musical line up for this episode, I was so amazing happy. The line up, in my opinion, was better than the Madonna line up. And slightly better than Theatrically. No matter how much I love Gaga, Journey owns. This is by far my favorite episode.
They redid Don't Stop Believin' and it was so perfect, it gave me chills JUST like it did in the pilot episode. The nerd side of me also noticed that the camera angles mimicked those of the first episode, and that too made me squee.
The entire thing between Puck, Quinn, and having Mercedes thrown in was just heartwarming to me. But I'll keep that much short, since theres still so much more to cover.
I dont care who hates Jesse or how much of a fucking self absorbed jerk he is, his voice in Bohemian Rhapsody is PERFECT. I knew Vocal Adrenaline would win before the episode even aired, because a great performance of Bohemian Rhapsody just can't be beat. The way they tied it in with Quinns pregnancy. was also perfectly done. They could have totally turned that whole process into some on-the-edge-of-your-seat Greys Anatomy type drama deal. I almost expected them to go that far with it, but instead it was a perfect mix of angst with a bit of drama thrown in.
Me and
fantasybookgirl totally called that Beth was going to be adopted by Shelby. Well.. she did. But I called other things! Like Emma/Will kissing. And Sue saving the day.
I think one of my favorite Sue lines is one of her least sarcastically funny ones.
"I think the brunette had an amazing voice."
"Brunettes have no place in show business."
"Oh, come on. They're just kids." (That right there. Because of her tone of voice, because of the look in her eyes, and because she was TOTALLY defending New Directions. 100%)
"Thats no excuse! By the time I was 14, I'd already formed a band! When Josh Groban was their age, he was already in The Mickey Mouse Club or something."
"As the only eductator here, let me point out that not all kids are afforded the same opportunities as others." (Again, defending ND and totally heartwarming compassionate and considerate. Have I mentioned how much I love that side of Sue? A lot.)
"Is that what you tell yourself to get to sleep at night?"
"Some people just simply don't have talent. You think you're a celebrity, you're not. You just try hard. Thats about it."
"Olivia Newton-John has a valid point here. You have a lot in common with those kids at your school, Sue. Underachievers with delusions of grandeur."
"Not even I have to admit I'm a little confused as to what Sue is doing in this room. Wasn't the theme tonight supposed to be celebrity judges?"
"KISS MY ASS, JOSH GROBAN! (LOL SUE ILU.) I am a international-ranked cheerleading coach!"
"Who lives in Ohio! When this is done today, Josh and I are flying back to LA first class. You'll be staying here just like those kids."
"I think we've all made up our minds. Lets vote."
And she voted for New Directions. As a matter of fact, she was the only one that voted for ND. What a totally unexpected yet expected at the same time twist. Make sense? AND THEN SHE FUCKING CRIED. I SAW HER IN THE CORNER CRYING. Crying when the kids were singing "To Sir, With Love." She was watching. Teary eyed. Fucking crying. She's probably one of my favorite characters. I love her.
I wanted to cry a few times, I may have even started sniffling there when Will broke down in the car with the radio. Or when they went one-by-one to tell of how Glee changed their lives. This was kind of an emotion-pulling episode.
I'm too drained to think of anything else to add to this post. I've been typing it in pieces all day, when I can sneak away from the despressing hospital room, find a hotspot somewhere to connect and finish typing this.
I love Glee. Fox has already ordered 2 more seasons. They're replaying season on on Thursdays. I'm forcing my mother to watch every episode with me. There is so much love for this show that I can't describe.
With the ending notes over, I'm out. ♥