I can officially say Wal-Mart SUCKS. Never work there. Don't even shop there. Now, I don't know if this applies to every WM. If you work at one thats totally awesome? Good for you. Don't transfer, I'm sure that store is few and far between.
Just for the fun of it, I'm gonna list reasons why my current job is the worst. WITH ARROWS :D
→ When I applied, I specified that I could only work afternoon/evening shift. When they interviewed, I again made that clear. The first few weeks of early morning shifts were fine, becuase it was orientation and training and stuff. I understood that could only be done on a morning shift. But seriously? Up until the beginning of July, I'm scheduled maybe five days of evening. And then right back to morning shifts. Theres even one day where I have to work 5pm - midnight, and the very next day 6:30am-3. WHAT?
→ How much fucking training does one person need to stand at a register all day and scan items. I mean, god. I went through 3 days of tests. Just tests. Computer-based tests. IT WAS RIDICULOUS. I probably took more than 300 of them.
→ They have this point system going on. If you have to call in, you get docked a point. If you get docked three points, you get yelled at. On your fifth point, you get a "D-Day" (Which is basically a paid-day-off where management decides whether to fire you or put you on a year-long probation period.) It doesn't matter why you're calling it, it doesn't matter if you have a cold or had to go stay the night in the hospital because you're so sick. If you call in, its a point. No matter what.
→ I signed a paper that stated that I was a part-time employee, and that I understood that - as a part time employee - I get no full-time benefits. But I am working full time hours, and have been since I started. So now they're essentially breaking some rule by getting around the benefits thing. And I've only been getting about a day (sometimes two if I'm lucky) off a week. And never a weekend.
→ Currently, I'm in Nashville on a family-emergency type deal. My grandpa is pretty sick, he's in the hospital, and were staying here as long as we need to ensure that everything is going to be okay. Trying to be a good employee, I actually took the time to drive to work and explain the situation to the management. They told me I'd have to call in every day at least an hour before my shift (because anytime after that 60 minutes prior and you're considered a NoCallNoShow) and that I'd have to deal with the demerit points. They said after so many days of calling in, they'd be calling me to do the whole "You've got three points now lets yell at you for it" process. (Which I swear to god, if I get a call from them I'll quit VIA phone.) So, I'm essentially using up the five points I get. And if I end up being sick later in the six month rolling period time, they'd rather me go to work sick than call in again. Or, y'know, I'll be fired.
→ 90% of my coworkers are assholes. You have a shiny little "15 Years of Service!" badge. Awesome. I'm proud of you for staying with this place for so long. But you dont have to be a smartass to me when I have a question, no matter how simple it is. All you have to do is answer. I'm new, I don't know everything about the registers.
→ I've already been pulled aside and yelled at once by the CSMs for something that I didn't even do. Break times are 15 minutes. After you get off your register, if any customer has brought you an item they don't want.. you hve to go sort it out behind the CS desk. It was memorial day, we were busy, and I swear I had a whole cartful of items. So it took me a good 15 minutes before my break to sort them all out. Then, not two seconds after I get officially back for the break, they page me back up front. (Which I didn't even hear, because we don't have intercoms in the breakroom.) When I got back up to the front, they walked over to me and said "You know you've been gone about 30 minutes, right?"
"Umm, no. I got back to the breakroom at 2:45. Its 3."
"Well. Our palm pilots show the time that you logged out of the register. See? It says 2:30. I could have you in serious trouble with the AMs right now for taking a double break."
"... I didn't take a double-break. I had a guy leave his entire cart at my register and not come back for it, did you want me to sort it out or just leave it there?"
YEAH 'OH.' THANKS FOR MAKING ME LOOK LIKE AN ASS, GUYS. I really hate being berated. Especially at a place like Wal Mart. I shouldn't have to prove myself to these people, really. Its a minimum wage part time job. I can find better.
Which is exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to start finding a new place to work. I understand that every place is going to have its negative points, but really... Walmart just pisses me off. And you shouldn't hate your job after only a month and a half. If its that bad already, you should leave. So, how they decide to treat my current situation (with the family emergency trip to Nashville) will decide for me whether I quit fashionably or not. Hopefully I have time to find another job first :D
Anyways. I feel a bit better after typing all that out. Our hotel is seriously in a super-scary area in Nashville. Its making me nervous. So, instead of focusing on that... I'm going to babble for a bit more!
I seriously can't wait for the Glee finale, except that I probably wont get to even watch it when its on TV. AND I forgot to set the DVR to record it. So I'm 100% relying on the internet to let me snag it from somewhere. And I need to remember to avoid the friends page feed on LJ (... and twitter, for that matter) until I watch it. If I get lucky, I'll get to watch it in either the hotel or at home. But I doubt it. Also, I AM SO IN LOVE WITH BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY RIGHT NOW, OMG.
My Glee-stats currently are as follows. (Snagged this from a friends Facebook, actually. :D And added the crack!ship part... because I just had to.)
OTP - Will/Emma, definitely. I just wish they had more screen time to develop. Maybe something big will happen in the finale with those two!
Crackship- WILL/SUE. ♥ ♥
Favorite Character - Thats kind of hard to decide. I'm definitely a Will fangirl, though. Sue comes in second. Puck/Kurt/Finn come somewhere after her.
Favorite Episode - Theatrically
Favorite song - I can't choose just one. The ones I listen to on repeat the MOST are Dream On, Total Eclipse of The Heart, Bad Romance, Run Joey Run, Don't Stop Believin', Beth, Hello, Young Girl, Another One Bites the Dust Leaving on a Jet Plane, One, Bohemian Rhapsody, Faithfully (last two are on the finale)
Least favorite episode- Funk (EVEN THOUGH IT HAD AMAZING WILL/SUE TIMES. The episode was dull.)
Least Favorite Character - I dont think there's anyone that I absolutely hate. I love them all. Even though I do wish some of the other girls would have more lead parts. Rachel gets most of them.
Least Favorite song - Bust Your Windows. I dont know why, that song just gets on my nerves. Seriously.
Song you wished would have been performed - LOL. Wicked Game would have been cool, just to bring it more up-to-date sounding. I'm in a Giles/Jenny mindset right now, thats all I can think of.
Moms a Gleek too, though she wont admit it. But because I drove most of the way here, we listened to Glee pretty much the entire time - and she sang right along with me. LOL. She loves it.
My sleep schedule has been so whack since Thursday. And I think that may be why I keep randomly feeling weighted and dizzy. Seriously, for two days... just at random times during the day... I'll feel really heavy and dizzy. And then it goes away just as fast as it appeared. Weird.
I have no idea how my Grandpa is doing. He still looks unbelievably weak and wont eat or drink anything, but the weekend Doctor was an idiot. The regular doc will be there tomorrow. We'll know more then.
And now, to further distract myself from the scary-ness that is outside my hotel, I'm going to go write Giles/Jenny fanfic- because I've had an idea nagging at me since Friday evening. Then I'll get caught up on all the other fics I read, and sleep sometime later.