(no subject)

Aug 16, 2011 22:02

I'm seriously considering making a profile on Match.com. I have a friend who had moderate success on there and when I was telling my mom about it, she asked if I'd consider ever signing up. And at first I had the usual ohgodinternetdatingCRAZYPEOPLESKINLAMPSHADES flash reaction.

But I mean, I haven't been on a date in 2 years. Every potential relationship since I was 20 has started off, then spluttered to a halt in the middle of the road, with me standing there going "What the fuck just happened? And when are we actually going on that date you've been promising me for weeks?" And all summer I had the excuse of, "Well, I'm leaving West Stockbridge soon, so there's really no point in starting a relationship if I'm going to move across the state in a few weeks anyway." But during the skin lampshades conversation (during which, suprisingly, skin lampshades were not discussed. And yes, this is actually surprising if you're me and my mother.) I said something about getting settled and being busy. And Mom reminded me that I'm always going to be busy. Once I'm settled,  I'll have that 40 hour a week job. So really, I should put myself out there in some way. And I've never been big on the bar/club scene, so there goes that one.

Not to mention I'm awkward as fuck. Once I get to know someone, I can prove myself to be a functioning human being. I'm fucking adorable, as I remember announcing after the Dean of Students' secretary shat on my life for the second year running. (if mybrokenlocket would just date me already, this whole entry wouldn't exist.) And I spend a lot of my existence online anyway, makes sense I would date on here too. And I'm back in my hometown, so I know the possible dating possibilities here. And as tempting as it would be to go back to the guy I had awkward makeout sessions in the parking garages with (aka, not at all), I'm kinda done with that dating pool.

Anyway, there's my angst. So basically, unless it costs 896587587985787608657 dollars to actually talk to people, I'm gonna do it.

So on the boring updates level, things are good here. Interviewed for a corporate catering job last week and I'll hear about it this week. The guy said they had other people to interview, but he really liked me. So I feel pretty good, but don't want to jinx myself. Seriously though, this was the most corporate place I've ever been. It was this massive campus. I walked in the front door of the main building and felt like I'd just walked into Torchwood One. So I'm reeeeeeaaaally hoping my nervous glances around for Cybermen didn't hurt my chances.
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