(no subject)

Aug 08, 2011 09:38

So the other day my coworkers were talking about how "that guy" from Gilmore Girls came into the store a few days earlier. And my heart stopped for, like, a minute. It kind of went like this:

Pat: "Yeah, like how that guy from Gilmore Girls came in the other day. And Aleesha was there freaking out."

Me: (All cardiac activity ceases) "Which guy from Gilmore Girls?"

Pat: "And then Juli comes in with her cigarette dangling, all 'He's from Gilmore Girls!"


Juli: "Oh yeah, that Mike guy..."

Me: "Oh thank God..."

I swear, if Jared Padalecki had come into the store during one of the few days I wasn't working, I would never get over it. NEVER.

And it doesn't help I spent the weekend pretending there wasn't a Supernatural convention going on 30 miles from my hometown.

Speaking of, I'm back in my hometown. Not that anyone who reads this lives in town anyway. But yeah, I'm staying with my mom for now. She's game for me to stay longterm if I want to/have to, which I really appreciate. I'm going to start trying to get set up immediately though, jobwise. I don't want to be a burden to her and I also want to get my cat settled somewhere permanent. But I know it'll be difficult to find a place. And nearly everyone I knew from high school has moved out of town, so it might be a struggle finding roommates. I'm scared shitless, just because this is a total blank slate. Yes, I'm back where I grew up, but I'm here as an adult with no set time I'm leaving. Even in college I was only here for the summer, so I had to plan things around that.

It's actually a little exciting. I just hope I can work it all out.

One nice thing about being home is that I don't have wicked limited bandwidth. And there is an angel in the Gleeclub posting downloads for Torchwood eps. AND I don't start work til next week. Aka, I'll be caught up by the time Torchwood airs again!

I've also introduced a friend to the joy and wonder that is Supernatural. We sat in my kitchen watching the first season last night. And at all the parts where it looks like Dean's about to die I'm like, "NOOO, DON'T DIE. YOUR GAY ANGEL IS WAITING FOR YOU IN HEAVEN!...sorry, spoilers..."

Jamie: "Spoilers...or incentive to keep watching?"

Alright, time to hit up Craigslist for job postings and sketchy personal ads!
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