Tutorial #38: Christina Aguilera

Nov 18, 2007 17:10

Finally a new tutorial from me!
Well, lets get started.
Learn how to go from

Made in Adobe Photoshop 7.0, not translatable because of Selective Coloring

Step 1:
Choose your picture, crop it and sharpen once

Step 2:
Duplicate your base and set it to Screen, 58% Opacity

Step 3:
Create a new Hue/Saturation Layer [Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation] and up the saturation to +30

Step 4:
Create a new Selective Coloring Layer [Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Coloring] and use the following settings:

Cyan > -70
Magenta > 0
Yellow > -21
Black > -5

Cyan > +100
Magenta > +10
Yellow > +100
Black > 0

Cyan > +58
Magenta > 0
Yellow > 0
Black > 0

Step 5:
Create a new Color Balance Layer [Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance] and use the following settings:

Shadows: 0 | 0 | +20
Midtones: +20 | 0 | +20

Make sure Preserve Luminosity is checked

Step 6:
Duplicate your base, drag it to the top and set it to Luminosity, 50% Opacity

Step 7:
Create a new Selective Coloring Layer [Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Coloring] and use the following settings:

Cyan > -100
Magenta > 0
Yellow > +100
Black > 0

Cyan > +100
Magenta > 0
Yellow > -100
Black > 0

Cyan > 0
Magenta > 0
Yellow > -100
Black > 0

Cyan >+30
Magenta > +10
Yellow > -10
Black > 0

You can download the .PSD here

Other icons with the same coloring:

[x] Comments are ♥
[x] If you want to use one on the icons, please credit me
[x] I love to see what you made
[x] Feel free to friend me
[x] See my other tutorials here
[x] Enjoy! 

christina aguilera, tutorials

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