I felt like such a yuppie today. I got myself together this morning, and discovered that there is a relatively local yarn CSA that I covet a share in. (Local! Sustainable! YARN!!!!OMG) Then I hopped on my bike to go to my chiropractor appointment. I was upset by the fact that the chiropractor ran late, making me late to my therapy appointment, then firmly smacked myself upside the head because I'm lucky to have the resources and the medical insurance to get to have both things. I went around the corner from therapy to Formaggio's Kitchen to buy salami, gorgonzola dolce, fresh whole-wheat roles, organic whole-milk yogurt, and a currant jam bar with pecans for lunch. I biked to school, locked my bike, and ate lunch while reading LJ and feminist blogs. I had two hours of tutoring, prepared for my class, taught my class, then went with
cos to Coolidge Corner, where we had a leisurely dinner of sushi, I consumed sake, and dessert was fried ice cream. Then we went to see Waltz with Bashir, and on the drive home Cos gave me an excellent history lesson on the military and political context for the film, which then diverged into a conversation about the American response to 9/11, our disgust with the very phrase "the war on terror," and the difficulties of concepts of patriotism. Then I came home, snuggled my fiance, grabbed a can of seltzer, watched the tail-end of an episode of House, and sat down to write this on my laptop with my cats circling like sharks as they look for a free lap.
Looking at this, I am chagrinned to note that it looks like I am the utter and complete stereotype of somebody from Stuff White People Like. I have to say, however, that I enjoyed just about every minute of it.
(More serious musings on race and class tomorrow, probably.)