Feb 15, 2010 16:59
i have many other intarwubs media obsessions but i am still glad that i have this to figuratively vomit everything else out onto in far more than 140 characters. my apologies for being so distant.
i finished NaNoWriMo but have yet to look at the project again for editing and actually making it a real thing. i will do it some day.
i am currently working on a creative project that i really hope comes together. if it does, i'll let you guys know.
I'm a bit annoyed and frustrated by the Ex's actions of late. i mean honestly, even if you have broken up on fairly ok terms, DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT IT IS OK TO SEND ME A VDAY EMAIL WISHING ME A HAPPY ONE? MUCH LESS CALL ME THE NEXT DAY? Also, just after the 2 year anniversary of the breakup which is right near my fucking birthday!!!ARGH! Sorry guys, had to get that out because i think it is pretty fucked up!
I am really confused personally of late. I'm trying to figure out where i am emotionally in regards to interaction with other people in relationships as well. can't decide if i'm ready for that again. I feel not but at the same time i'm worried that i may have built up too much protection around me and grown too cynical to allow it. i mention this because i think there is someone who is interested in me but i am not really sure what i could offer or what i would want. it's very hard to decide where i am so that i can move forward. rawr. Stoopid adult decisions!
People at work are douches, not that this is not the case at most people's places. I'm just stating it in the realm of letting people know what's going on in general. I am currently an extractor in an environmental testing lab.
i can't think of anything else for now but thanks for your time and attention.