So Yay, I survived my first week back at work! Aside from the heartbreaking first day, when the lil one cried as I stepped off the car, I think I am enjoying being back in civilization :)
Day 1 didn't go very well actually. It was really hard to say goodbye to my boy. And come lunchtime when I went to the nursing room to pump, I realized that I didn't bring my adapter plug (cos mine was a US set which I got at half the SG price). I eventually managed to buy a new plug at a stationery shop nearby, but the pump didn't start up with the new plug. So I was running all around trying to see what the problem is (tried plug, adaptor, pump at different nursing rooms). Luckily I managed to find a mummy using the same pump in the nursing room and we figured it was the brand new adapter which was not working. But I still managed to pump cos the extremely kind mummy lent me her plug! So thankful!!
And cos I am still on a part-time arrangement, I got Wednesday off!! So I had a day's break after the first day.
Thursday and today went very well. My dear boy managed to settle nicely into the routine. He was rejecting milk on Tuesday and he didn't want dinner too (he wanted to nurse once I got home). These 2 days, he's much better and was eating, napping well. Think it's really encouraging cos I had expected the transition to be harder. I expected to feel terribly sleepy all the time, but lucky, I wasn't.
Well, of course I still miss my son very very very much when I am at work. It's a mad rush to get home in the evening. But being back reminds me why I still love my job. I like doing something. And I really still enjoy the very nature of work I do. Sure, there's still some politics around. But which workplace doesn't have ANY politics? I think I win by having been away for a year and I feel so refreshed. Plus, I've been leaving when I still see the sun. Nice. Heh.
I really feel like celebrating this little success this weekend! :)
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