Ah the year's coming to an end! I was just reading through my year-end post last year. I was just stepping into my third trimester of the pregnancy this time last year. And I actually didn't set any new year's resolution for the year. Phew. Becos I really didn't do much this year. It's just baby, baby, baby, baby and all about baby.
This year, F and I spent so many nights having supper of biscuits and Horlicks on the floor of our bedroom as our lil boy slept. It was something like our wind down time of the day as we try to catch some couple time. Man, I still remember how sleep deprived we were those early days. We were on these crazy 3- hourly schedules where we fed, changed the boy, I pumped while F held the boy for half an hour after the feeding (cos of his reflux problem) and when we are done, we set our alarm clocks to wake up in another hour's time to start the whole cycle again. I always tell F, it felt like I have been to a camp that lasted months (we used to go for camps when we were younger and we don't sleep much then!). So glad we survived this far. Of course, there are just days we feel like killing each other, when we were both short-fused. I suppose our relationship came out stronger, since this whole parenthood thingy didn't kill us :)
The other thing that happened this year was our lifestyle change. It came with the baby. And of course, I stopped getting income for a while as I took the year off work to be with the lil one. Plus, F's actually on sabbatical this year. So we've just became more frugal. We think twice about spending nowadays. And we only gone on a grand total of one holiday this year! But then, old habits die hard; we still indulge ourselves in good meals every few weeks.
Actually this year is supposed to be a big milestone year for my relationship with F. It's our tenth year together. Unfortunately, it's over-shadowed by the fact that we have a baby on hand. We didn't do any big celebration or gift any big presents. Very unromantic. Definitely not how I had envisioned celebrating the occasion. Well, I suppose having a baby together in our tenth year counts as making it momentous.
Aside from life at home, this year saw me making some new friends and rekindling a couple of old friendships. Mostly in the name of motherhood really. It's quite funny how parenthood brings people together. I used to tell F that parenthood is like a cult. Once you are initiated, you wear the badge of membership everywhere you go.
Next year, 2012. I hope we get our lives back on track a bit! Things are surely getting better as the boy grows bigger now. But then, we've got a couple of changes coming along next year. We may be moving, I said may. Heh. It's cliche to say this but it seems like change is the only constant. Anyways, I have got a few simple resolutions that I hope to achieve next year:
1) Stop spending unnecessarily. Although I stopped getting income for a few months this year, I don't think I stopped spending. My credit card bills were same as it was before. I was on shopping ban for a while and still I really don't know what I spent on. Just say I am real bad at keeping to budgets. So this is something I want to work on next year :)
2) Be nice. And be less critical. Enough said.
3) Celebrate the little things and don't sweat the small stuff. Since we just went through a year of change, think I can't expect too much from life. Part of me feels the anxiety of having to do the whole balancing act as a working mum next year. So I think I want to be kinder to myself, not be so uptight and let loose a bit :)
And lastly, I really want to thank everyone who's been with me here through the year. Thank you for reaching out to me when I was down. Thank you for leaving your words of encouragement. Thank you for sharing the special moments. Thank you for reading :)
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