Yay we survived the trip to Hong Kong!
Too many shops, too little time, for me. Other than that, it's a great trip ;)
The boy took traveling really well. Really really relieved about this.
The flight there was a breeze cos he slept most of the time. I was initially very worried that he would cry on the flight. The take-off and landing were my worst fears cos I m afraid that the pressure in the ears may put him in pain. And the thing is, though sucking could relieve the pressure, he doesn't like to be "forced" to drink if he's not hungry. Nor does he take the pacifier. Thankfully the stars aligned and his feeding time coincided with the flight time. Phew. Plus we'd gone on an early morning flight cos mornings are his happiest time, so he was all smiles when he woke up on the plane and promptly fell asleep again only waking up right before landing for another feed :)
As F was there for a conference, we had to do a bit of socialization with the other participants and their families. The boy was really cool about it (he did better than me!) smiling and cooing, melting everyone's hearts. And he's been really cooperative throughout. He was either sleeping or sat on F or my lap during mealtimes observing us eat.
The only thing is that the boy's routine is all messed up during the trip. We try to feed him before we go out even though it's not really feeding time so he would just take a small feed like 4-5 mins (compared to his usual of about 10 mins). He also doesn't feed much while we are out - too many distractions! His nap times are off - he is so curious about the new surroundings that he's looking around all the time and he'd only sleep when he's extremely tired. And we skipped bath time 2 days - once cos there's typhoon and we were afraid he would feel cold and another day cos we went out till very late :p On days when he's really tired out, he makes us pay for it by refusing to go to bed until 2am. So I think the boy's system is quite messed up now.
It's really different traveling with a baby. We had to factor in times for rest and to make sure we are all comfortable with the pace. Unlike in the past, F and I will head out the moment we settle our luggages in the hotel and I make I get to shop till the last moment. This time round, we tend to be more selective about the places we go and we favor the more baby-friendly places (think: less crowded, nursing rooms, air-con). I tried shopping at H&M on a Saturday afternoon, quite disastrous at first cos it's so crowded and the boy was crying as he was tired. I was flipping through the racks as he was crying, and really felt like a bad mother - I really really wanted to shop! Luckily, he settled down and fell asleep after a while but I just made it real quick cos the crowds was horrendous and people were knocking into us.
So my shopping was not very satisfying though I managed to snag 2 pairs of shoes, 2 dresses and a couple of tops. We turned to our other entertainment: eat! Dim sum, wonton noodles, HK style cafe, street food, desserts, I just felt like eating ALL the time. Hee. I love the dim sum - not a single dish I didn't like! Especially custard buns - the soft bun with runny custard and salted egg yolk filling. Yums. I was so happy when my aunt (who stays in HK) suggested that we eat dim sum before our return flight! The only problem was that eating dim sum before the flight meant that I didn't have much time for shopping at the airport which I had planned initially. Sigh, blew my last chance shopping!
The return flight was rather uneventful except for a small crying episode when I refused to let the boy feed cos I wanted to feed during take-off. Turns out the flight was delayed for half an hour, so he couldn't wait! Anyways, when we landed in Singapore, I just thought to myself how glad we made it through the trip. I was so worried that the boy would scream the plane down and that he would fuss when we are out. Turns out he's a great traveller ;) The only boo boo is I wished we had more days to shop - I only had one full day for shopping cos other days, we're stuck in the conference where F was at. But well, guess we can plan for more trips now that we managed the first ;)
Now, I need to conquer the laundry! Photos to come later, maybe!!
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