The Death of the Last Empire

Mar 31, 2010 13:44

Say you have a friend who is taking a poison that they believe is a medicine. No matter how sick they get from it or how much evidence you show them that what they’re doing is killing them they refuse to stop. Do you have a responsibility to intervene against their will?

This is kind of how I feel about America right now. I just heard on the news that the offices and even homes of many democratic congressmen and women had bricks thrown through their windows last night.

The problem with the country isn’t that the people don’t have enough power. The problem is that the people are idiots. Information has never been as free on this planet as it is in this day and age, yet there is still a nauseatingly significant section of the population who insists on their own ignorance and blind obedience to whatever asshole yells the loudest.

There is no way that I can see to save America. Like the friend who won’t quit taking poison. Except if your take away your friend’s freedom to take the poison you’ll save his life and maybe he’ll still be your friend. If you take away the people’s right to be idiots you’re killing the spirit of what this country stands for just as much as any Teabagger or hooded Klansman. Maybe it’s just America’s time to go.
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