all the cool kids are blogging again

Aug 05, 2009 13:20

Life. So. Busy.
So they busted us down to 3 day work weeks for which lost time is compensated for by the State's work share program. Basically, instead of laying a bunch of people off and them collecting full unemployment they cut everybody's hours and we all collect 25% unemployment. Go us.
This doesn't happen if I work over 40 hours due to my other job, which doesn't pay enough for me to keep it and miss the unemployment. I figured out I'd have to work 8 days a week in order for that to work. Since I haven't invented the machine from Primer yet, I cannot work that many days. So I quit the second job. This still leaves me with a monetary deficiency so I'm helping my father in law with his business because a. he needs the help. he's recovering from a motorcycle crash. and b. he's assisting me with my expenses as recompense. This solves that problem, but now I'm still working 6 days a week plus I'm spending one night a week in Amish country and driving an extra hour to and fro from said locale. The work is slightly more stressful than the call center was and the hours are slightly longer, but once the unemployment debacle has subsided (do debacles subside, or do they just fade away?) I will be free to return to or remain at the auxiliary vocation of my choosing.
Oh and I'm moving. This month. Moving downtown! I love downtown! Even if it is only a few blocks of three story buildings, there is some cool stuff there. Plus the building we're moving into is already inhabited by three previously existing friends. I could use neighbors who aren't drunk by 4 and yelling at passing vehicular and pedestrian traffic by 4:15.

Anyway that's my update. Now You Know! I've also had a super awesome archeology/mercenary/kidnapping/car chase/giant evil robot dream a few nights ago that I tried to write a post about but, alas, there was no time.
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