There was an article I read in the
My City Daily this morning, that made me almost spit out my milk tea all over my desk. It was a
article about
PETA urging
Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream to use human brest milk instead of cows milk in their products. Excuse me but, Fucking gross! They said that it would relieve suffering on poor cows that are forced to produce milk all their lives. Ok. I am really pissed right now so this is going to turn into a rant. Warning you all now. So don't read if you don't want to hear what I have to say, then run away now. First off on this rant, FUCK PETA! If it was up to them, we wouldn't eat any animal, fish, or crustaceans of any product that they create. They would have us release these domesticated animals to the wild where they believe they belong and we never own pets again. Fuck them! My animals live better than I do. My horse wants to be outside covered in mud, then she is aloud to. I ask very little of her and I give her everything I possibly can. My animals are the same way. My cats and dogs sleep with me. Get fed before I do, and even get food from my plate at times. I give them love attention and all the toys they want. I make sure they are healthy and happy. I am a meat eater. My husband and I go through 4 gallons of milk a month. When I get a farm, I fully intend to have chickens, a dairy cow, and beef cows. Those animals with be kept healthy, happy, and be well cared for and I will appreciate everything they give to me and not let it go to waste. But humans as a species are omnivores, like dogs. We eat both vegetables and meat. If someone chooses not to eat meat, then that is their decision and they have that right, but it never gives them a right to tell other people what to eat. If I get one, just one person that comes on my farm and tells me that I should not kill animals for food, I will stick a shotgun to their forehead and ask if they would take the animal's place, because I eat meat and that's my choice. Not that I would eat humans, but what PETA is trying to do is get humans to take the place of animals on milk, what's next we start eating human meat instead of animal, because humans can choose to die? Let's look at the facts here. Cows, chickens, fish, and other like creatures we eat are prey animals. Nature has selected them as food. If they were out in the wild, at some point a predator will get them. It is just a fact. We are doing the same thing, just they often lead better, sometimes longer lives in our care. Yes, there are some places that keep them in poor conditions, and treat them badly. Those places should be shut down and the people who ran it, should be made to live in those conditions and treated the way they treated the animals. But there are many places that care for their animals and give them the best, as they should. These animals, destiny or no, are making a great sacrifice for us an they should be honored and respected for that. That is why a cow is a symbol of life. Her milk nourishes us and gives us something safe and healthy to drink. Her body gives birth to the next generation and gives us something to eat, so that we have energy and can live. I have great respect for all animals in this world and I thank them for their gifts to us. I also want to say, that I eat vegetables too. I love to eat what is grown in my families gardens, because it just tastes better than what's in the stores and I even respect the plants that bear the vegetables that I eat. Because they sacrifice so I can eat too. There is also the comment PETA made. "Cows are forced to be pregnant every nine months." so they can continue to produce milk. News flash PETA! In the wild, it's not long after a calf is born, that a bull is already mounting the cow for the next go round. So they never dry up milk wise and they are always pregnant, till when they are too old to bear young, in which time they are too old and weak to keep up with the heard and are picked off my predators. SO WHAT'S THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE?! I will tell you what. The cows are living better lives, eating better, and not living their lives in fear. No I don't approve of the veal practice, that should go away, but they don't need a ton of bulls there. One way or another, those bulls will be food. All in all. I will take cow milk any day over human breast milk. Why you might ask? Other than the whole grossness of it, cow milk is clean, free of disease and medications, and they track every movement of it. I'm pretty sure that these "donors" that give breast milk, aren't telling when they are sick, not telling that they are on meds, and doubt they spend all their time at the collection place to insure that the milk doesn't stay out too long or gets contaminated. I doubt it's pasteurized too. So yeah. Will stick with milk forever. One last thing to tell PETA. They links between milk and different diseases, everything is linked to some kind of disease and the data changes all the time. You are going to die eventually, so deal with it. Milk helps more than it hurts, better than most medications on the market, so quit telling us how to live our lives and what to do. You should focus more on making sure animals are treated right, not if they are milked, or meant for meat. The after isn't the problem, it's the during and the end. If you realize that, then you could make the world a better place for animal and humans alike. Assholes!
Ok. There was my rant. If I offended you, then you shouldn't have been reading this. I was going to talk about political shit, but this showed up on my desk, and I just had to say my piece. Oh and PETA can kiss my ass. I have better morals than they do. I don't tell people how to live, I just ask them to respect animals and treat them well. Predators don't abuse their food before eating it. Now I'm done and I'm going to move on to things more productive. Laters! Savvy?