While drinking Monday's false milk tea.

Sep 22, 2008 09:45

(reserved for picture to be put in later)
It isn't easy posting here from my phone. I can do it, but there isn't much I can do with it, like putting pictures on it. I can always go back later and edit it. Which I hope I can do today. Not that anyone actually reads this. Everyone has moved to Myspace. I admit I did too, but I did try to poster there and here, and even on Deviant Art. I maybe shouldn't be doing this at work, but my mornings are so boring. I can't post this on the other sites because I'm doing this from my phone. Maybe I can go back later and do that. Not like it's going to work out well, but I can try.

I have fell in love with blogging in a way. I love reading about lives of Americans or Australians in Japan. I love to learn about the culture through their eyes, and see the differences. I've learned that Blogging isn't just putting random stuff up like I had been. It's putting your thoughts and experiences down for all to see. I know Foamy doesn't like today's blogger, but he can choose to not read, just like everyone else. I personally like hearing about other peoples lives and opinions. But I have always been that way. Learning from other people's experiences. So now I'm trying to make my LJ into a more serious blog. Maybe even some people will start to read it. Who knows. It's not like I talk about things that are very interesting. Though I would like to go to Japan sometime. I don't think I could live there, but visiting would be nice, and anything I blog about it would be more popular than the boring stuff I slap up here.

*sigh* Jobs. I wish I could get a better paying one. It's not that I hate the one I'm at. I'm actually quite comfortable here, but I don't make enough. Brett and I have been getting by ok, and if we weren't paying off debt then we would actually have a little money to save and to get things we want, but prices are going up so high that, we can't afford our apartment anymore. Not that it was ever worth the money we put into it each month. We would be better off if I didn't have to spend $250 a month on board for Katelin. So I guess it is mainly my fault that the money we make isn't enough. I'm the one with most of the debt. I'm the one with the horse to board. I'm the one who wants to live on lots of acreage and have a horse farm. If I didn't have that we could most likely have a nice little house with a yard and go on with our little lives a average people living a decent life. What I want is getting in the way and eating our finances. Brett is fine with it, but our money situation stresses him. When ever I talk about getting a different job he asks why do I hate the job I wanted. It makes me mad because I'm not ungrateful for the job, and yes I did want this kind of job, but there are many factors at play. One, this job as a standard is supposed to pay a whole lot more than they are paying me. Two, I don't want to do this forever. Three, if they let my husband go or fire him, I won't be able to stay. I would hate them from then on. I keep wanting to apply for the Director for Indianapolis Animal Care and Control. I can't seem to find out where to apply, and also I don't think they would hire me. My mom is also pushing us to get better paying jobs. Brett is comfortable here. That may change if he gets a desk job. But they may let him go after his position is dissolved. We can't get raises because the company is doing bad, so prices are going to go up and my pay will stay the same. Doesn't seem fair. I should just be lucky to have a job though.

Money won't be as much of a problem after we move in december. We should even be able to afford Satellite again. I miss some of my favorite shows, and the anime that they run on adult swim. Yes I've already seen it all, but it's still a treat to watch the old episodes. I told Brett if we can put back the money that we will be taking out of savings to pay off debt, moving there will be well worth it. My mom thinks we should stay there three years because then we can maybe get a chance to buy the place. We could continue to save. And maybe the perfect place will appear in that time. Who knows.

Look at me. Here I'm rambling on and on about my job and finances and I said I would be writing serious blogs. Well in a way it's important. The whole American financial crisis thing and all. I really don't like the government bailing out wallstreet. I guess it saved jobs, but these financial places putting all their assets into stocks or mortgages for people who couldn't afford them in the first place. I'm not fond of the stock market. It balances on the whims of the masses, and a panic can cause it to drop, or a boatload of people dissolving their stocks, because they need the money to keep them from declaring bankruptcy. So that is why I don't mess with stocks at all. Anything that would make mass quantities of people leap from windows when it goes down is not something to have anything to do with. Just my opinion. We could also stop dumping money and resources into countries that hate us. This countries finances reflect the people. Horribly in debt with no help in sight. Sad isn't it.

It is hard to get health insurance with out going through a job in the US. But we have some of the best healthcare in the world. From what I've read from blogs about life in Japan, thought the health care in incredibly affordable, the healthcare sux. You are not aloud to question the doctor. They don't really try to find out what is wrong with you, they just treat the symptoms. And they make you jump through hoops for them. I know there are some crappy hospitals in america. I was born in one of them (Mon:"Where is the Godd**n Doctor at?" Nurse:"Don't worry Mrs. Simpson you have plenty time." Mom:"Oh really?! Then how do you explain the fact that F**king baby's head is already sticking out?!" Nurse: "Oh... Yeah I guess that's a problem.") My dad delivered me. The doctor didn't show up until after I was all cleaned up and in the nursery. Then years later I had a broken nose and woke up in a pool of blood, I was taken there and the doctor said that it was just a nose bleed and that I would be fine. He cauterized my nose and sent me on my way. The next morning I got another nose bleed when I woke up and my mom took me to my family doctor in Noblesville who took one look at me with my nose bleed, complaining of a headache, and bruise beside my nose and sent me to ex ray. There they found a hairline fracture down my nose. It was broken. Stupid St. Francis ER doctor. But Indiana has a top rated hospital. Riverview has a sparkling reputation and is one of the cleanest in the US. So when I have kids they are going to have to haul my butt all the way up to Riverview, so I can have my baby under the care of our family doctor. I hope his son takes over after he retires, because we would be lost without them.

Well I think I have fooled around enough. I better get back to looking busy. Oh, isn't that what I'm doing now? Hehehe! Maybe from now on I should focus on smaller blogs. Maybe. Laters! Savvy?


hospitals, healthcare, blogging, japan, money, jobs

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