(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 20:21

Today is a sad day...Okay, maybe not, but I'm still a bit shocked. I mean, why is Bush president for another four years?! o.O There are so many things I don't like about him. Too many things to mention here now... And so many people complained about him, but he was voted for president again?! I don't get it! The only logical conclusion might be that he cheated again, but what do I know?! Well, I know a lot about politics and I do know more about the US politics than about the German politics, which is not good. But I can't change it, I'm not really interested in Germany anymore - as far as politics goes, because it really sucks here. Not the country itself, but the parties, and especially the current chancellor. *sighs* Anyways, I think something is going on there and I still believe that Kerry is the true winner.

If anyone is offended by this entry, just ignore it. I usually don't talk about politics, but this little rant just had to be. >.


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