Can I has grandkittehs nau, plz?

Aug 22, 2008 13:23

Dear Mali:
You're back!! *tacklehuggleglomps* I missed you!!!!! I'm so happy to have you back home.
So, tell me, how did it go? Was Mamaluk good to you? I hope you enjoyed yourself... And I think you did, because today, when I went to pick you up, I found you comfortably laying on Mamaluk's bed, with a dazzled expression. XD. And your mother in law told me he slept in your bed too.
Also, there was fur all over the place (yours, I'm afraid... perhaps Mamaluk DOESN'T like gentle!!!) and, girl, YOU STINK. Eww.
Well, I'm sure you had a memorable couple of days. You know what they say, you never forget your first time. ^_^

So... SOOOOOOOOOOO??? Am I going to be a grand mother??? Uh, uh, uh???? I can't wait to know!!

Lots of love
The crazy human who wants to have kittehs.

x-posted to note_to_cat


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