Sep 05, 2007 12:30
Here's a little video I made with images from Connie's last ultrasound. The titles are in spanish, because I specially made it to send it via email to my friends outside LJ, but it's not really hard to understand: In the first scene you will see a pointer showing one of Connie's ear, an arm, her mouth and her nose.
Then you'll see a really nice close up from her lips (at first is difficult to see, but the doc's pointer is again very useful) and, just above, her tiny nostrils.
In the next segment there's a really nice shot of her legs kicking me... LOL. And finally, another full boy scene where you can clearly see her swallowing. And if you look closely in her chest, you'll see a little thing beating... that's her heart.
I hope you like it! ^_^