For awhile now, Eric and I have managed to continue watching regular movies with Gisele simply because she was too young to understand or care.
We'll tonight she was in a particularly cuddly and tired mood, so we cuddled up on the couch to watch Jack Reacher. She quietly watches while drinking milk. She was pretty into it too, and then after awhile I assumes she fell asleep because she was sleepy and was quiet for awhile.
Not so. The first fight scene comes up and she let's out a yell. At first I think it's her playful yell that she does with the dogs, but then she started screaming and burst into tears.
Eric and I quickly shut the TV off and turned on a sesame street show on the laptop to distract her, all the while feeling like the shittiest parents ever. While I lament in the fact that we can no longer get away with watching mature topic movies in her presence and will now have to subject ourselves to Disney movies, I also felt terrible. I felt like I had mentally scarred my daughter for life.
She ended up moving on and forgetting it. She played like normal and now she's sleeping peacefully. But I can't stop hearing her scream of terror in my head and feeling completely irresponsible. I should've known that she was getting old enough to start to understand things, and while the fight scene was pretty tame, I can understand why it would be scary to someone who's never seen hitting before.
Eric and I won't be making that mistake again. I know that she's still too young to remember things long term, but I hope she doesn't grow up scarred because we stupidly didn't think she'd understand. She's growing up so fast. I can't keep up.
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