Image Quartet Story Index

Aug 26, 2011 21:58

This is my story index for my newest set of series called the Image Quartet. This set of story's stars four generations of a family and their interactions with both each other and other individuals that spans both years and generations. The main series is the second generation set Snapshots with all other series being either the single prequel or the two sequels to that series. All of the series plots begin at the beginning of the most influential times of the main characters lives and ends when that time ends. All one-shots or interconnected pieces before and after the main stories are either outside pieces of the story or are a part of the prequel or sequels depending on how the situations connect to the main stories and how close chronologically they are to any of the other stories that make up the series.

Photographs (1982-87)

Snapshots (2002-05)

Pre-Story: (Listed Chronologically)
Regretful Lights
The Ribbon Caper
The Gag Gift
Surf's Up

Main Story:
Back Again
Cruel Games

Albums (2022-25)

Collages (2054-57)

image quartet, story index

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