Oh Life is Bigger.....

Feb 03, 2013 12:01

To everyone that has been waiting for Dream-Chan to come back can be assured that from now on she is back. After all I can now access the App for LiveJournal wherever there is a wireless connection. Thus more motivation for Dream-Chan to actually write things down to remember later to laugh at after all is said and done.

Right now though I have taken a huge step towards improvement after the last two steps which was Graduation (Dream now has a degree. Shock! Amazement! Horror!!!!) and actually wanting to have a job and earn the almighty dollar! This is in not letting things go. Like this Blog. an unfortunately this also means friendships. I lost contact with my penpal Chavi for a while but the wonders of Facebook have allowed us to talk almost everyday and say silly things to each other (such as you're nonsense t-shirt creation conversation). But Elysia and I, thanks to the fact that I live now about a 40 minute drive away and the eternal job hunt + home stuff on my part and work and a fiancee (so surprising when I first heard of it, but I hope it goes well for her), have started to drift apart. I confronted her with this a few days ago and now Dream-Chan is unsure about what will happen. Will we still stay friends? I don't know. Will things change? I definitely think so at least on my part because I wont let this happen again.

Here's some exciting news!

This blog is now for Dream-Chan's other self. The abnormal creative self that will post things for fun and entertainment. This means more Pictures and more stories than ever before so both daily and multiple posts will become common. There will be another blog for Dream-Chan's normal unassuming identity. (you'll never be able to make the connection!).

I broke my old Laptop in a midnight incident involving YouTube, my iPod, a new song I just HAD to have, and a glass of water on my desk. My new Laptop is sooooo much bigger and it's easy to get my old faves from my CD's onto my iTunes thanks to it's CD drive. I have also since the last entry fallen in and out of love (Really Dream! Really! Stop Quoting Songs) with playing App games on my iPod. (It sucks how most of the ones we have need wireless to work. SHUN!!!!!!)

Dream-Chan is also in the midst of writing a big story that has taken over her mind for years. I tried to write it once, but lost it and looking back on it I can tell that it wouldn't have been any good. I am now re-writing the first few chapters from scratch (do you have a choice?!) and it looks better than ever!

My baby brother has had (twice! with the same Person!!!!!) had a live-in-girlfriend so now mum makes him pay rent. The girlfriend, who shall now be called Acacia here, is about the same age as my favorite cousin. (Is that considered cradle-robbing! Tisk Tisk brother dear. Off to jail [and Bubba] with you!)

That's about it for today.


PS: For those wondering the comments that are in brackets and cut through Italics are the result of a new character called Nightmare (it's Night dammit!) who after assassinating the other personalities in my head is here to give out snark, sarcasim, commendation, and the occasional nice comment to throw me off track (I am not!!!).

PPS: I have decided to change my address instead of calling myself Dream-Chan I shall call myself Yume instead. It's simpler and means the same thing.

yume, change, dream-chan, nightmare, life

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