Roses for Remembrance

Oct 28, 2009 13:23

Dream-Chan apologises for the VERY long delay between entries. However I do have several good excuses for this.

Firstly the weekend after the last entry I went out clubbing for the first time in a while. The reason for the outing was that it was a friend’s birthday. It was fun, we ended up going to 3 different places and I tried a new cocktail called a fruit tingle which I liked as well as finally trying a Midori Splice. I was mildly drunk for about an hour after that, but I sobered up quickly due to exercise. It was fun to dance wildly without any need to be “correct” or “right” in how you moved or who you danced with; things which were so important in high school. I bought Roses for her as a present in the final club; they had a little teddy attached to them (so cute! So soft!). She loved it. The night ended well and I slept peacefully

The week immediately after that weekend I went to Elysia’s place to stay over for 11 days as her parents had gone for a holiday. I couldn’t use the internet that much there as her download usage was low, her dad’s fault, and so I entertained myself in other ways. Interesting things that happened were:
  1. I learned of another incident of male sexism where a pregnant woman was fined over $100 for being too loud at a stop sign while she was in labour. She was so delayed that she gave birth in the hospital foyer. We were disgusted and went on about male sexist pigs. Even You-Miin agreed when Dream-Chan told her about this online. A fun exercise in venting.
  2. I had chocolate pancakes on the second day of my stay. It was very difficult to make symmetrical and good looking pancakes. They always broke. Then we realised that we had nothing to put on them so we improvised. Peanut Butter on chocolate pancakes isn’t that bad. Also had a pizza flavour that I wanted to try. It was nice, but we learned to never buy brownies from dominos (we were entranced by the clock that the website has if you order online).
  3. We watched shows such as Miami CSI and Flash Forward and I enjoyed every minute of those shows. Fun TV watching. Also had an extra for a night and tried some new chocolate. Popping Candy and chocolate = an interesting experience.
  4. A hot guy came by on the Thursday while I was at Uni. SO NOT FAIR! I want eye candy too. However after a bit of teasing and ribbing about it and a day or so Elysia thought that the guy was gay or something through the way that he talked.
  5. Dream-Chan went to the beach on the Friday with Elysia. We went via public transport, only swam for about an hour, had lunch at the fattening Maccas, went to the shopping centre (during which Elysia got a product that I want badly. Not Fair!!!!!), got lost trying to find our way to the station after we left the shopping centre (we found it eventually), and got home tired.
  6. Went and bought 2 new DVD’s of movies that I liked and wanted to watch. (Yay!)
  7. Was reminded that I do more housework at her place then my own.

Finally when I got home I found out that the internet was (and still is!) on the fritz and is not co operating with me.

That is Dream-Chan’s long entry about the lastest 2 weeks.


dream-chan roses elysia

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