Alright, guys. I'm gonna preface this post by saying that some of it may come off sounding mean-spirited or accusing. It isn't meant to be, I promise. But as tone is difficult to convey in print and some of my statements/comments are rather direct, that tone may be unavoidable. It's not my intention, though, and I apologize in advance if anything comes out sounding offensive.
That being said, I've been wanting to write this/ask this for quite a while now. Like... quite a while. I've noticed over the last few months that I've had a lot of people friending me. I don't mind it all. I'm just a bit... confused. Here's the thing. On LJ, I friend people for essentially 3 reasons: 1) We're friends IRL. 2) They're a favorite author of mine and I want more access to things they don't post on the comms, or they're favorite authors I've interacted with enough through comments/replies that I feel comfortable calling them LJ friends. and 3) The journal has fics I want to read that are f-locked. I used to also just friend back people who have friended me, but I haven't done that in quite a while.
Now, that all being said, I'm just curious: Why have so many of you friended me? I don't f-lock my fics. In fact, anything I f-lock is generally restricted to a select list of people (basically my IRL friends) so even friending me won't let you see that stuff. I post all my writing to the appropriate fic comms, so you're not getting anything extra there. I occasionally have polls or something, but those are usually linked to from fics also. And even then, I don't generally get a huge response. (I think my last poll had 5 responses...)
I don't mind silent readers, really. I tend to be one myself. But when I actually friend someone, I at least try to interact with them in some way. It just seems like the right thing to do in my mind. Otherwise, why bother? I really would genuinely like an answer. Why did you, personally, friend me? Please let me know, to soothe my raging curiosity if nothing else. Thank you. ^^
Now, to all of you I haven't angered into leaving now (T_T Really, REALLY wasn't my intention~~~)...
As you guys might have noticed, my updates have kinda slowed down since the last couple chaps. They were posted so close together, and I was in such a good flow~~ But there's a reason for the pause. Rather than rushing into writing the next chaps, I've actually been using the last week or two to outline the rest of the story. First time I have done that in the history of my writing. I'm not generally much of an outliner. :/ But, yeah, that's what I've been doing.
They're just short sketch outlines for each chap, no more than a page or so handwritten, but they at least cover the major events and where everything is supposed to go. I've got through 21 finished as of tonight, and it's looking like the whole fic will finish up around maybe 24 or 25. Almost definitely no more than that, though. Well, as long the characters (*coughs*Chunnie*coughs*) cooperate and don't throw any unexpected curves at me or anything. It's looking really good, though, and I'm hoping everyone likes where I'm gonna take it. ^_^
None of it's set in stone, though, and I definitely wouldn't mind some feedback from all the readers. Like I said in the Notes of my last update, I don't have a beta. Never really have had a beta before. That's why I'm such a desperate crack-whore for comments, especially good con-crit comments. They let me know things I've missed, questions I haven't answered, problems I hadn't considered. If you guys have anything like that, pleeeease~~~ leave me a comment and let me know. Heck, even if you don't see anything like that, just leave me a comment about where you think or hope where the fic may go. Wouldn't be the first time a fic has been influenced by my commenters... Seriously, I probably never would have written 'Falling' if it weren't for some of the comments on the Possession Bonus scenes. So you never know what could happen. ^_^
Aaaaanyway, think that's enough of my rambling for now. I at least wanted to let all of you know why I hadn't updated in a bit and why it'll still be another couple weeks before I do again. I didn't die, promise~! :D