May 17, 2004 21:17
Men suck. Yup you heard me. You all make no sense. Not a single one I have met in a long ass time makes any sense. This is including my father. He came up yesterday which was nice to see him. He feigns acceptance of me for the most part rather well I guess. Granted the entire day I was called Eric and Him and He. Okay that gets really f-ing aggrivating when I have bigger tits than my sister who is sitting next to me. I'm sorry I was not born like most girls, but hell does that make me anyless of a woman? I guess in most peoples eyes it does and always will. But you know what I am not 1/10th the whore my sister is. I have never ruined a marriage. I have never given birth to a child that I knew I could not take care of. I have never gotten an abortion because I have unprotected sex more often than protected. I have never slept with a guy who's fiance picked him up from my house the morning after. Yeah I may not be perfect. I did some X when I was young, I was sucking my neighbors cock at age 7, I have dated men and women. I am not really sure what the hell my true sexuality is anymore, or even if I have one. I will probably never have children, I can never have children that are genetically related to me. I was homeless for a brief period of time. I lie to my co-workers everyday about who I am. I have had a total of 5 sexual partners my whole life. I have made all of my mistakes willingly and with careful consideration as to make sure I would hurt no one but myself. I used to carve things into my legs. I sought therapy on my own terms. I am a transsexual.
Oh back to why men suck. Because everylast one I meet either just wants sex, just thinks I am the hottest TS they have seen and just wants a freaky time, Thinks I am an interesting person but is freaked out by my TS status, Thinks I am a chick and then gets pissed off at me when I tell them I am a TS.
My therapist tells me I pass well enough that I should not be telling guys I am a TS until I think they want sex. I am sorry that is fucked up. I think personally if they can't deal with it I want to know upfront so I don't end up having feelings for them. Cause if I am ready to have sex then chances are there are sometype of feelings already there and I would not want any lies. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR LIES. I DONT HAVE TIME FOR BS. I DONT HAVE TIME FOR MEN!!!!
Can you tell I have not been to my Shrink in a week?