Just got back from the ER...

Apr 25, 2019 23:25

I will be OK, but I am in a lot of pain, so I am trying to take my mind off it by posting.

I was cooking supper when my shirt caught fire! The fire went up my right side, my armpit and partway up underneath my arm. I was able to get the fire mostly out by squirting myself with the sink sprayer, and thank the Lord, Jim got home from work right then, and rushed me to the hospital.

They gave me an IV morphine drip, and prescribed some pain meds and  once the morphine started working, they slathered some cream on it and then wrapped up my side and arm like a nummy and sent me home with my nurse husband. He's taking tomorrow off to stay home with me.

Lessons learned:  don't wear loose shirts with polyester content while cooking and don't  get burned in the armpit.

I hope I can sleep tomnight.
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