Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, half a week late.

Apr 24, 2019 17:00

I guess you all must have thought that after all my posts, I must have fallen off the face of the earth on Good Friday. Well, not quite. But my computer that I thought was all fixed with a new surge protector, apparently was not, and it had to be taken to Best Buy for repair. I soon discovered that I could not even upload my pictures on my tablet. Apparently the app I have does not let me onto my profile, much less my scrapbook!

Today is my day for working at the church, so I am using my lunch hour to post from the church computer (with permission). Well, not quite my lunch hour now. I had to stop and finish my work; but it's time to go, so now I can finally post.

I called this stone "A Light in the Darkness":

Holy Saturday's prayer behind the cut:

Holy Saturday

Almighty ever-living God,
who are wonderful in the ordering of all your works,
may those you have redeemed understand
that there exists nothing more marvelous
than the world’s creation in the beginning
except that, at the end of the ages,
Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.
Who live and reigns for ever and ever.

The prayers I have been using are from this site Lent: One Prayer A Day.

And this is the stone for Easter Sunday! "He is not here!" I used a little E-6000 to add the "rolled away stone" to the larger painted stone.

Easter Sunday's prayer behind the cut:

Easter Sunday

When everything was dark
and it seemed that the sun would never shine again,
your love broke through.
Your love was too strong,
too wide,
too deep
for death to hold.
The sparks cast by your love
dance and spread
and burst forth
with resurrection light.
Gracious God,
We praise you for the light of new life
made possible through Jesus.
We praise you for the light of new life
that shone on the first witnesses of resurrection.
We praise you for the light of new life
that continues to shine in our hearts today.
We pray that the Easter light of life, hope and joy,
will live in us each day;
and that we will be bearers of that light
into the lives of others.

This prayer for Easter Sunday comes from a different site: Prayers for Lent and Easter and was written by the Rev. Michaela Youngson

And below this are some of my Easter decorations that I never got to upload:
I thought I had better take the chance to do this now, because it may be Friday or Monday before I get another chance to post pictures.

My resurrection garden this year:

On Good Friday:

On Easter Day:

This Easter wreath is not brand new, but it is refurbished with a new bow and some new eggs:

And finally, my "Easter trees"; I wish I could have posted my planned tutorial on how to make the egg strings!

religion, decorations, church, lent 2019, easter, art

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