
Mar 06, 2019 21:34

Well, our kitchen inches towards completion. We are three weeks beyond the completion date, but it looks like it may be done by the middle of next week.

Today began with a bit of drama: the workers were polyurethaning the cabinets today, and I offered to bring in a fan to help with the ventilation, since the temporary door to the kitchen would be closed. I got the fan from the bedroom and opened the door to carry it in; my timing was lousy, as I picked the very moment that the back door AND the back gate was open. Sophie was in a whole 'nother room--but she could somehow tell the way was clear for her to rocket out the door and gate. The two guys and I spent a good twenty minutes chasing her up and down the block before I managed to catch her, attach the leash and get her back in the house!

This made me a tiny bit late to work at my church job, although there really is no hard and fast start time. The pastor and her husband had very kindly folded the March newsletters for me--her husband is really the only person who can wrangle the mechanical folder when it decides to get cranky--but it was nice to have them all done. I just had to smack on the mailing labels. The pastor had also already done the bulletin for the Ash Wednesday service, so all I had to worry about were the bulletins for next Sunday and the screens. I did the bulletin first, then the labels for the newsletters, and took my lunch break at about 12:30. Grabbed a burger at Braum's and picked up a pecan pie for the pot luck on the way to the house, and the workers were done for the day, so I could let Sophie out in the back yard with no trouble this time. Aired the house out--even though it was freezing. After lunch, I dropped the newsletters off at the post office and got back to the church at a little after 2:00. I spent the afternoon working on Sundays worship screens, and then I decided to pick up some images and experiment with power point to try and make some original screens. The pot luck would start at 5:30 and I couldn't see going home just to turn around and come back. I signed myself out at a quarter after five, and went down to the Fellowship Hall. Had a nice meal of veggie soup, beef brisket, salad, and corn casserole.

The service was very nice (more on that after the cut) and got home about 7:30. In a few minutes I will wash the ashes off my forehead and go to bed.

Cut for religious content and my first Lent post of 2019. I did not do this last year, and missed it sorely:

My posts this year will be of a short Lenten prayer, and also of a bit of art that I will make for each day. But since I only decided that tonight, this one will just be a prayer (it's the one we prayed at the service tonight:

May God who has forgiven us now make us strong for these days ahead. May Jesus lead us, and as we be found faithful to follow. May the Spirit drive us into the wilderness, burning away the chaff of our lives, and purifying our hearts for all to see and be blessed. And may the blessing of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Mercy, Master and Fire, be with us and remain with us always.

And may all of you, my friends, be blessed with a good night's sleep and a glad day to come.

stuff, lent 2019, personal

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