May 22, 2008 12:14
First I should start of saying that it's Mod week at Wally World. Not every dept. however many of them, that including Electronics. I swear we have the biggest change from all depts there. Our entire TV wall has changed to new TV with Full HD, plus we had a bigger selection there are big changes throughout the dept. However with mod week also comes HELL!
HELL in the words of us being understaffed which we have been even without mod week, since one of our mangers can't schedule properly. It's'd think we us having two departments together it there would be more coverage..but there isn't. So this week 3 of us are working overnights to set up everything, while the rest of us work during the day. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, however it is since there aren't many of us to begin with and there is suppose to be 2 of us there at all times. Needless to say sofar this week I'd either come in and there would be one more person there...or there would be one wireless person there too. Then the rest of the day it would be nuts and maybe 2-3 more people would be in the rest of the day..which isn't much at all.
Last night was another big reset so I'm going to come into work not knowing where any of the movies are. Ah the joy. Thankfully this is almost done, the weekend should be back to normal coverage....I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the only closer tonight. My "luck" I'll be alone after 6 pm...argh. That depends on what shift Carter is working today. There will be so much to do and so little time and probably so busy.
ARgh..enough of that. Oh WiiFit came out yesterday. It was funny because the Nintendo guy came and wanted to set it up. I ended up putting it together with him and it looks pretty awesome! However then for the rest of the day I was pondering if I should buy it or not. I mean it looks pretty cool and would be good exercise for me...however I haven't exactly been playing our Wii these days. Marc's the one playing his MarioKart on the Wii. Last weekend he finally gave in and bought it. So I don't know what to do...I ended up buying it last night after work..however I really don't know if I want to keep it for now. I mean not only would it be better for me to save the it's not like I'm DYING to play it. We'll see...I might bring it back tomorrow.
In other news...not to much going on besides me being exhausted from work. Tomorrow my family is coming up to start working on the house with me. I'm still mad that I can't have a week off...however this means I can go to Ohio in the summer which is important. With tomorrow being a cleaning day though..I'm not sure how much I'll get done since I'm tired from working this week. We'll just have to see...
There is a lot that needs to be done...I need to do my room, plus go through the other rooms. Of course it helps a lot that Ian has finally moved out of the house. I think it's just better for all of now he can have a place with his gf. I mean there was no way she could stay here so it works out. I need to go around the house and make a list about what needs to be done tomorrow.
Hmmmm...let's think here:
- clean and organize my room
- clean both hallways
- clean bathrooms (not that I really want to EVER touch the guys bathroom)
- clean and repair living rooms
- clean and repair kitchen area
- clean out laundry machines aka get all the lint out.
- organize kitchen better
- organize living rooms better
- clean and repair Ian's room
- repair Adrian's room (since I know he actually cleans up after himself)
- clean storage room
- try to go through basement (keyword try)
- clean and organize Marc's room
- clean, organize and maybe even paint the porch.
- clean the yard
- clean all windows
I swear the only place I don't think I have to do a thing is Megs room. Well I we might give the walls a good cleaning and the windows but besides that...Meg keeps her room pretty clean too.
LOL...I guess I might not have to go around the house and make a list. Hmmm...however this also means I have a lot to do by the end of next week.
Plus we have to get the rental agreements ready for the guys. Oh another note: btw Dad...I'm not sure I'll be able to visit you and Deb before your cruise since I don't have the week off anymore. It will have to wait till after you guys come back from it. I'm soooo sorry. Have fun on the cruise!
Okay...I better get going. I still have to get ready for work....Laterz everyone! <3