Apr 15, 2008 17:45
I left work today absolutely a wreck. I left right after lunch. The students were terrible! I have never witnessed such disgusting behavior. I told the principle "I worked to damn hard to put up with this. I feel like I need to go home." He said that was a good idea. So, I wrote some notes and left. I lost it. I lost my cool and composure and almost did a few things that could have ended badly.
I can't take it any more. PLEASE! Teach your children to mind. It is hard to teach them how to read and write when they are humping each other with their eyes and telling their teachers off. What is this generation? Where do they get off? What the hell! PLEASE do not drink or smoke while you are with child! It really does fuck 'em up! Make your kids do chores, teach them responsibility!
None the less, I am happy that we only have six more weeks together. I only have to deal with this six weeks. It is only six more weeks. Six weeks.
While we're on this happy note, I have applied to several school districts in San Antonio and to San Marcus. I have a really long list though. Just like last spring. I plan to apply to one more school on my list everyday.
I need to get out of Lubbock. Out of West Texas. Out of Texas. I also plan to work on certification for either Washington of Oregon over the next year. I really want to move back to that area.
Also, Anthony and I move in together tomorrow! I get the keys after work and start moving in small stuff. Then Friday, Shane comes over to move the furniture.
One more thing, Dixie was fixed! I called the vet and they said she was doing fine. it was a little scary for me, but not for her. I think she would go home with anyone. So much for a guard dog. I miss her. I dropped her off last night and they are keeping her tonight too. I miss my doggie.
Ok, thats it. I bore enough of my students to know when to stop.