Title: ACIS: Central City
Genre: Divergence, Mystery, Family
Summary: Mangaverse, divergence. Central City 1910 - 1916. Political upheaval has restructured the proud nation of Amestris to a blooming democracy, where the art of alchemy is no longer glorified, but monitored for the distrust it has sown. In this obstructive climate, Roy Mustang’s
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Comments 7
Lin saw the advantage of having RanFan as his shield and Ed on occasion as his Amstrian blade. You can bet Lin will profit from all the help, long-term, but he's such a nice guy, you just don't resent him for it. Well, I don't. ^^
Lin is great and the descriptions of Xing Town are lovely (it makes me want to force my pal 47nite into working on some illustration with me since he loves to draw backgrounds, but he's not into FMA...)!
Thank you, Lin is most happy you like his Amestrian turf and invites you for tea & dumplings, but please don't force your friend, if they don't want to. XD
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