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Jul 30, 2004 21:59

Hey. So, at this moment, who would you vote for--John Kerry or George Bush? I have to say I would definitely vote for Kerry. He's not necessarily the most charismatic or exciting presidential candidate to ever run, but he's got a lot of great qualities and he's not Bush. We're at war right now, and we need a man who has the strength and integrity to win this war and get our troops out of Iraq. Kerry has these qualities and a military background, and doesn't fake the fact that he could figure out a way to win this war and get our troops back home. Bush has no military background, and I believe he has no plan on how to get us out of war. Having "idealistic views" is not enough to get our troops home. Every month we are sending more and more troops to Iraq, and my brother's girlfriend got a draft notice in the mail a month ago. This war is not going to end any time soon at the rate we're going. I believe Kerry could turn this path around. He seems to know what's he doing, and he seems to honestly care about the people who are dying every day for our country. He knows what it's like out there, he's been to war. Kerry saved a man during the war; Bush has never been to war and he almost killed himself by choking on a pretzel. Kerry may not be completely happy with the war, but he realizes that we've gone so far that we can't just turn back and not finish the job. There's a lot at stake here. We can either finish the job or we can turn around and pretend like nothing ever happened. Anyone in their right mind realizes that we have to finish the job at hand, which is to take care of the people in Iraq and make sure that the people in Iraq are taken care of. I believe that John Kerry is the best man for this job.
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