School blues...

Sep 02, 2010 09:25

...just dropped my daughter off for the first day of her senior year...*mimblewimble*

I have some work to do to put my LJ back to rights, especially in the area of icons. It appears that on the unpaid account, I only have 1/2 a dozen randomly chosen icons left. I don't intend to go back to paid status, since the whole thing works fine without all the bells and whistles, and so far I love the artwork in the headers.

I will NOT be Facebook Connecting...whatever that is. Sounds dangerous and stupid. My LJ life and my FB life are two different things. Yes, I post about the same subjects on both, but I am much more frank on LJ, and then there's the whole fan...thing. Let's put it this way: my mother and my students will never appear on my LJ friends list.

I promise that I will post a life update every so often to catch friends up on what is going on in my life. I will also be reading back through archived posts as time permits to catch up with all of you.

One of the most exciting things to happen that I really wanted to share with all of you was that I have a Kindle!!!! When the library was built, and while I was in the hospital, the patrons, staff, architects, construction workers, board members and anybody else the staff could collar and shake down gathered a collection and purchased a Kindle for me to say thank you for the past six years of work on the building project. It's beee-utiful! I love being able to read anything anywhere, and it travels wherever I go. I have been able to read more than I ever could before, because I can grab a page or two in quick snatches...the doctor's waiting room, sitting in a parked car outside pick-up points, waiting in line at the grocery store, on car rides (even at night.) It's great when I'm by myself in restaurants or other places. (No awkward keeping the book open or page turns anymore) For instance, I just read Jonathan Franzen's "The Corrections," which is big enough to kill people, but I didn't have to haul it everywhere I went. I can change the size of the font, and the orientation of the text Groovy! I can't get everything for it, and I can't afford to always be buying books, so I get my tactile experiences as often as I need them. But for the doorstop-sized books, it can't be beat. I just downloaded "Water for Elephants" for a fraction of what the book costs, and won't have to haul a hardcover around. I couldn't get "The Joy Luck Club" for book club, so I read that one the old-fashioned way, enjoying the turning of a page, using my pretty book mark made by moonlit_woods that I still use every day, and generally enjoying the joys of the bound volume. But, no doubt about it, it took longer to read.
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