Okay. In normal text, this is what Feferi would say:
Oh my cod, hi everyguppy! It's me, Feferi. Um, I type LIKE THIS AND WHEN I GET EXCITED I GET REELY EXCITED! But even when I'm only normally excited, I text like this. Please tell me if it's a problem, okay? I just want everyone to be happy.
When she has her quirk going:
O)( my cod, )(i everyguppy! It's me, Feferi. Um, I type LIK-E T)(IS AND W)(-EN I G-ET --EXCIT--ED I G-ET R-E-ELY --EXCIT----ED! But even w)(en I'm only normally excited, I text like t)(is. Please tell me if it's a problem, okay? I just want everyone to be )(appy.
Please let me know if you'd rather I just use her text color or whether you don't want formatting at all, or if you'd rather I translate her quirk. I'm glad to oblige! Comments are screened and anon is on. :)