Bourbon Legacy: 1.2

Jun 01, 2010 03:27

A somewhat quick update, to get all the Generation 1 kids born, already.

Last time: Share Bear got abducted by aliens multiple times. Alastair grew up, his dad tried to be a rapper, and it was decided that Pearl is too cute to be successful as an evil witch. Twins Ruby and Castiel were born, as was Share Bear's alien daughter, Lillith.

There aren't any cameos this time, unfortunately. :(

...I warned you about the babies.

In total now, Share Bear has been abducted three times, the poor guy. :( The first resulted in Lillith, the second was glitchy and no pregnancy came from it (thank god), and the third...well...

Yup. There's going to be another baby.

...I'm not exactly sure how they manage to make time for the little ones that they have NOW.

Neither of them are very happy right now. Share Bear is both grumpy and lazy when he's pregnant, and I think having all these kids is getting to be a bit too much for Pearl.

Speaking of the kids...

There are some birthdays to be had (I let Pearl escape to work to avoid the birthday madness)! :D
First up is Alastair.

Alastair: WOOHOO! I'M CUTE!

That you are!

...then Ruby...

...and then Castiel!

I think the twins turned out pretty well! I can see a bit of Share Bear in their features, as well. Castiel has this sad, serious look about him most of the time while Ruby's expression varies between :D and D:<

As I mentioned last update, Ruby is essentially the forgotten child. :(

She's aiming for the puddle and not the kids, I promise.

Nope, still not evil. Keep trying.

Eh, he's already pregnant, so I let it go. I left him at the telescope to go check on the kids...

...AND FOUND HIM HERE. THERE WERE CHIMES! That's right, look ashamed, you two.

Their timing is MUCH LESS THAN FANTASTIC- the week has ended, and the new challenge I rolled is... *drumroll*

1-1: Uncontrollable Urges: designate one sim (and only one) that you can control for a sim week. All other sims cannot be checked on/controlled at any time for the duration of that week - not even to give them makeovers.

So I have a child, two toddlers, a baby, and two pregnant sims...and I can only control one of them. I picked Pearl. :D

Like father like son, I guess. When I don't give Alastair anything to do, he's at the beach. And, since I can't control him at all this week...a lot of sandcastles were made.

Share Bear: So this is one of those babies I've heard so much about, huh...

He has four kids and he still hasn't got the whole 'parenting' thing down. I would be happy if he just mastered diaper changing or feeding the kids...or something.

Noodle is being a bit more eccentric than usual this week. I don't think he's happy with the sudden increase in the number of human beings living in his house...

...He definitely doesn't like my Supernanny.

I do, though! She is easily the most efficient NPC I have ever encountered in my game. :P

One more promotion before...


The boys are NOT getting along at all. I have them sharing a room right now, and Castiel keeps his big brother up by playing the xylophone at Alastair retaliates by teasing him all day. It's frustrating not being able to make them interact positively! Love each other!

First day of school! :D

Lillith's birthday snuck up pretty quickly. For an ISBI I think I would prefer having her as a baby rather than a toddler (babies don't eat dog food, play in the toilet, strangle Noodle...) but it's obviously unavoidable. :P

Hmm...I'm not really sure what I think of her!


Neither is Castiel, apparently.

These two pictures really capture the experience of the entire week. I can barely keep my one (albeit pregnant) controllable alive! Share Bear loves the kids, and will play with them...but he won't touch dirty diapers or feed them.

I like winter.

Pearl is a Romance sim- though she doesn't act like it- and, since she's had the want to woohoo with 3 different sims for a while now, I thought I would give it a try. She was into this guy...

He wanted to take it slow, though. Waaaaay too slow for Pearl.

Luckily, she met someone new.

Share Bear came home from work right after Pearl had scaryface sexytimes, and, as of right now, she's only woohooed with this guy and Share Bear. I'm sorry I fail at playing Romance sims, Pearl! :(

Between her promotions and Share Bear's paid maternity leave, we can afford a maid, to make the house just a little bit more sanitary for the young ones.

The maid couldn't have come at a better time. The fact that no one pays attention to Ruby, apart from myself and Supernanny, allows her to be a highly successful TOILET MONSTER...

...And the kitchen was disgusting as well (Noodle, I KNOW you have a litterbox, and I know that you're trained to use it! >:|).

I've never had a sim fall asleep standing up before! They usually just pass out on the floor. I was more excited about this happening that I should have been. :P

I think she's in shock.

I was determined to get Lillith potty trained. The other toddlers are and it just makes life so much easier for everyone. :P

Pearl seems to have mixed feelings about potty training.

Pearl:'s just a jump to the left...

Pearl: ...and then a step to the right?

The girl that Alastair brought home from school seems to favour the chicken dance over the Time Warp.

Lillith is a dancer, too, and a much happier one at that!

Awwww. The dollhouse really brings the men of the family together.

Alastair is good to his sisters.

Notice Share Bear, all snug in his bed, while Pearl is conked out on the floor.

This is especially distressing to Alastair, as he couldn't get around his sleeping mother to steal her side of the bed for the night.

He ended up settling for the couch. YOU HAVE YOUR OWN BED, ALASTAIR! Your dad's not even sleeping in it this time!

At this point I was just willing them to do things with my mind: DO YOUR HOMEWORK DO YOUR HOMEWORK DO YOUR HOMEWORK...

It's go time!

It's a girl, Meg! Her alien dad is PT Shangri-la by brilliantcat. She got Share Bear's hair, and alien eyes and skin.

Alastair is not too pleased with his new sister.

Alastair: Oh...another baby, huh. If you'll excuse me...

Almost right away he headed outside to the telescope.

Alastair: Maybe if I find the aliens, they'll take her back!

Don't worry, kiddo, you're still secretly my favourite (and neither of your alien sisters can be heir, anyways!).


...You're telling me. I wanted two or three for generation 1. :|

Meg, following in what seems to be the Bourbon baby tradition, is full of anger. :D


Ruby! She ages into a hair that is a few shades lighter than her hair actually is. o_o I can only fix it when the ISBI week is over.

Sadly, I didn't get a picture of Castiel where he doesn't have his very unfortunate SURPRISED :O face on. He looks better than this, I swear!

I aged Lillith up a day early so that Meg could have the crib. She was the only one to grow up badly...

...but she grew up very, very badly, it seems. (This, combined with  her 0 nice points and 0 outgoing points, makes her an unstoppable force of evil. You'll see...)

Pearl: Wait, wait, wait...I'm going to have six kids.

Well, possibly more, depending on what the Trips & Quads hack decides.

Pearl: SIX kids!!!!

Lesson learned: Don't ever play catch with Share Bear.

BABY TIME, for the last time this generation!

Say hello to Rufus! Dad's hair and eyes, Mum's skin.

That's all for this update! Sorry for all the kid and baby spam but, now that we're DONE having babies (...until next gen), things will be better next time. :P The ISBI challenge was definitely different and fun to play. I could barely survive a sim week- I don't know how people do whole legacies like that! It's a lot of fun, but it's quite the challenge (...which I'm sure is the point ;) ).

Thank you for reading!
Starring a founder by simpurity, a spouse by quellasims, and aliens by brilliantcat!

other people's sims, pixel_trade, legacy: bourbon, aliens

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