just a little update for those who don't read da myspace.....

Sep 23, 2006 19:37

So, after all the shit went down with Nick, Terri, Danny and that whole mess, I decided the best thing to do was to just cut Terri loose. In addition to fucking Nick over for the millionth time, she also decided to mess with Dana. I can't prove it, but I am fairly certain she hacked into not one, but two of my email accounts. The second one was what convinced me, because she was the only person (besides Nick) who even knew that account existed, and after the first email address was hacked, I created a new account all together. Now, if Nick wanted to read what was in that email account, I'd give him the fucking password. 95% of those emails were from him anyway. When that email got hacked.....yeah, that just pushed things over the edge. Like I said, I can't prove it, but I know Terri has also been signing onto a friend's myspace without her permission.
I kicked Terri off my friends list so that she couldn't keep tabs on what was going on in my life. Things were getting too complicated with her around. Inevitably, it would have caused problems for me with Nick because she likes to start shit. For whatever reason, Terri does NOT like Nick and I being friends. I think she likes it even less that Dana and I are friends. There is something about her that just reminds me of Ted, and there are reasons why I don't talk to Ted. I'm over all that shit. The drama and stupid fights.....it's all done.
When I found out that Terri was going on line as Dana and reading my stuff, yes, that made me mad. As a matter of fact, I was completely fucking livid when I found that out. It was obvious I didn't want her around, or knowing what was going on in my life. But, she started sneaking around that way, reading things that were none of her business. And to top it all off, she busted herself by going to Nick and questioning him about something I wrote in my blog that was directed at her. How fucking dumb was that? Like she seriously didn't think Nick would say something to me about it?
Let me spell this out for you....NICK AND I SHARE INFORMATION!!!! He and I don't keep secrets from each other because we both think it's pointless. I trust him, and he trusts me. We are completely honest about everything. We don't need to be up each other's asses 24/7 to know that we're friends. And just to set the record straight for like, the MILLIONTH time, Nick and I are NOT dating, contrary to what someone (I'm not pointing fingers here) may have said.
So, here's the funny part....
Dana changed her password on myspace and her emails the other day, and two minutes later, she gets a text message from Terri wanting to know why she changed her passwords. To me, that's just fucking classic.....seriously, put a little thought into it, and you might be able to figure taht shit out for yourself.
Personally, if I had to guess, I would say it's because there are certain people who can't be trusted. Besides, what difference does it make? Terri has her own myspace. Why does she need to be going on line as Dana? Oh yeah, that's right, so she can stalk people who want NOTHING TO DO WITH HER ANYMORE! That's the reason! Silly me....
Anyway.....the whole thing is over and done with, thank GOD.
It was an interesting chapter in my life, that's for damn sure, but it's over now.
Alrighty....I need to finish cleaning up so I can get the hell out of here when the last crew gets back.
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