eta codes

Dec 14, 2021 14:32

as we reached farther out into the galaxies, each threat was classified with an ETA code, an "existential threat analysis" code. a string of 3 hexadecimal characters representing the level of intelligence, aggression, and scale of the threat.

a large supernova is the bottom of the scale at 0x001.
an ancient, malicious, self-guiding black hole is usually a 0x6a2.
a hyper-evolved moss that is consuming its host galaxy by converting it into a quantum crypto-currency calculating engine is about 0xb58.
human civilization on its own is only around 0x243.

at the high end, there is what is jokingly referred to as the "oh fuckfuckFUCK" code, 0xfff.

"the entire fabric of space/time becomes angrily self-aware and murders itself within the first few picoseconds of the big bang" doesn't even reach that level (0xeef). but documentation still lists the code, for completeness sake. the description, which is supposed to include a example (preferably existent), is just a string of question marks followed by a sad-face emoji.

hypertheory/science, written

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