// fan dance //

Jan 06, 2009 18:16

thanks to an anonymous spammer, i was alerted today to the problem of deadly taco addiction. it went on to tell me some inanity about making chicks squeal, but i was transfixed by this.. outing of a secret i've tried so hard to hide.

i have deadly taco addiction.

i'm sorry.

i loves the little tacos.

also, while being super-hung over this morning, had this dream..

i was part of this enormous extended family of which the extremely rich and eccentric patriarch had just died. i had married into the family so was really only there as an observer, lover of bizarre riddles, and whatnot. there were like 8 heirs, all children of this guy, all in their mid 30s to maybe early 50s. several had children of their own but they were kept out of the house. there were a couple lawyers involved, just because of the amounts of money involved, but basically what happened was no one knew where the money had been put. the house was rife with hidden panels, trap doors, and craziness, and the money (or the secret of where the money had been hidden) was somewhere within. each heir got a folding fan that was covered in various artwork, but when you folded it all the way open, it was actually shut (very moebius~esque) and would look different than when you first started to open it. progressing through several openings eventually would open the clue.. a couple lines of poetry or movie quote or something like that, written over some fairly hardcore pornographic imagery. then there was a "codex" fan which when opened had a longer quote written on the picture of a close-up of a penis. this caused some difficulty as several of the family members were rather prudish and wouldn't show anyone else their fans.

i also remember walking through the house and many of the candle sconces on the wall would work upside down or right side up, but when turned would cause a change in the configuration of patterns on the walls. there were also runners of what looked like extremely thin fishing line along some baseboards and stairs that would... well no one knew. everyone figured it was part of the riddle, so no one would touch them for fear of fucking something up. i plucked one at one point and a whole bunch of the sconces on different walls all fell sideways causing various amounts of laughter and panic (a couple of the siblings thought the whole thing was a hilarious joke).
that was all really, just the set up... but interesting and amusing.

dreams, wtf

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