My tweets

Feb 22, 2012 09:01

  • Tue, 14:06: Patching WoW on the Mac ... y'know, just in case I fancy quiet leveling away from the desktop. :)
  • Tue, 19:07: I've just started playing World of Warcraft.
  • Tue, 20:57: 1st attempt at the Iron Man Challenge with a Draenei Shammy called Irntotem. Irn Bru was taken :P
  • Wed, 00:03: 1-9 completed successfully, still alive! XD Was aiming for 10 before bed, but alas up early for work. *sniffle* Nn all xx
  • Wed, 00:42: played World of Warcraft (Mac) in the last 24 hours.


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