Fri, 20:45: Bit sad that I'm back to work tmw, but it's been a good, productive week off so I guess I can't complain. Ok, maybe just a little... *waagh*
Fri, 20:47: Time to take a break from planning out posts for TL & see what scrumptiousness will be accompanying tonight's TV viewage.
Fri, 20:48: Have thoughtfully spared @ ramblingepic by watching The Vampire Diaries earlier today. :P Still your loss! ;)
Fri, 23:18: Ugh, seriously wanna squeeze more life outta my MacBook, but it's getting so slooooow these days. *poke*
Sat, 01:57: And with that final bleary-eyed post saved, I'm done for the night. Need sleeeeeeeep!