Sep 05, 2010 16:25
My speedometer is mad insane. Most of the time it seems to be functioning normally, however it's evidently off by some 15-20kmph, with contradicting observations to both sides. It also tends to change behavior between bumps on the road, which somewhat strengthens my idea of what the problem is.
I decided to put off with fixing it until early October, when I'm supposed to do a week of reserve duty (my first :3) The original manual for my Burgie was not accounted for, and there's nothing of the sort you can get your hands upon in this motoculture-deprived country. I had one shipped from UK and it arrived yesterday. It's really good though, shouldn't have problem going through the procedure now, especially with the army tools at my disposal.
Other things that arrived recently are my plastic license and - what a great timing indeed, with the autumn coming and temperatures dropping! - the fabled air conditioner. I guess I will now have to sort out the paychecks, no choice =/