The freshman girls plague has me absolutely paranoid. After 20 or so girls starting vomiting the night after the firs-year women's brunch, some having to be hospitalized, everyone assumed food poisoning. Until they figured out it was contagious. I wasn't really concerned until Bonnie became the 4th girl out of 7 on my floor to come down with it
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so. Assassins kicked butt last night. we were SO on, the audience was great, everything had energy, it was amazing. best of all, my parents seemed really thrilled by it, and I had been kind of worried about the cursing/gun fire
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this weekend may not have been nearly as productive as it should have been in terms of work, but I'm not going to focus on that right now because it was a pretty good life weekend. For starters, the weather was awesome. Friday was that wonderful spring rain where everything drips but it doesn't feel cold. And then friday night (or saturday
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So far today has been a pleasantly good day, especially compared to yesterday, which from what I gather was one of those days where nearly everyone had a terrible day for whatever reason. So since the people I'd normally make listen to my ramblings are in the greater boston area for the evening (short and suite minus all other members/male hangers
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