
Feb 02, 2007 00:54

Today was that exciting first day -- new walking routes and departure times and people to wave hello at and a new crowd at Goodrich during lunch -- things that will all become routine but for now are new and stimulating. Being here for winter study, I kind of forgot how the campus is different during a regular semester (fuller, more alive). I knew people were missing, but I'm not sure I fully appreciated people being gone until now, when they're back. Hooray!

Geo this morning was pretty cute, as predicted. There was a trademark slideshow, and Bud also gave us a mini life story and read aloud excerpts from this British mineralogy text from 1822 that was absolutely wonderful/halarious! So that might not be the most exciting class, but it shouldn't be unpleasant, either.

My religion prof failed to show up for class, but we've since gotten a flurry of emails from him. As a bribe/apology we'll have pizza at our next class, and he's also sent us things about how this is his favorite class and his specialty and he's always excited for it. So that should be good. Plus, I get Anthro major credit for the class now, which makes me a happy camper!

I just found out that I apparently missed my tutorial's organizational meeting. I'm both embarrassed and perplexed, because I honestly have no idea how other people were informed of said meeting. At any rate, I have my partner and will be able to pick up the materials and possibly meet the professor tomorrow, so not all is lost, but I still feel kind of silly.

And lastly, picked up my Anso syllabus this evening. I hadn't really been concerned about the class until I read through the syllabus, and between the amount of reading and the pages outlining specific expectations for papers, I'm a little nervous now. *shrug* hopefully it won't be that scary "in real life."

Haha, oh dear, just realized I did a pretty standard boring "the first day of school" sort of entry. Oh well. Enjoy, dear reader!

P.S. Happy birthday, Katy!

college, classes

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