Frailty : Chapter 7 - Kurt

Jun 07, 2011 17:10

Title: Frailty
Chapter: Chi - Kurt
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Brittana
Summary: AU Racer!Britt Lawyer!Santana. They’re half way through picking the colour scheme {Brittany can’t make her mind up between black and silver or neon green and pink} when Kurt slips in a mention of Santana and Brittany freezes up.
A/N: Plot not mine. Originally came from

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

Brittany wonders where Kurt could have gone, because she hasn’t seen him since she went to the toilet yesterday and Puck and Artie don’t seem to want to know. At first she thinks they might have fallen out, but they have never fallen out before and she couldn’t think of any reason why they would start now. She’s genuinely worried because the friendship between the three of them has always been the one thing she can count on, and now it seems to be strained. So she takes it upon herself to sort it out, there’s only one logical place to start, so she demands that both Artie and Puck tell her what exactly is going on.

Only they don’t tell her, or they don’t want to tell her because all they do is deny everything and try to lay the blame on Kurt {but she knows they’re not telling the truth because Artie looks suspiciously guilty and Puck looks suspiciously blasé.} She’s just about to hit the cars radiator with a hammer when Kurt walks in, and then she’s all smiles and convinces herself that she was just overacting. However Kurt says nothing to the others, stopping only to ask Brittany if she could be spared and because she almost did a whole load of damage to the car she readily agrees and heads of with Kurt while Artie and Puck stare after them.

She tries to get some sense out of Kurt, but he’s not playing either {says there’s nothing going on at all, and he was simply working on some designs. But Kurt never works on designs without her input.} But he has loads of ideas, and his colour schemes make Brittany all kinds of excited because it makes this seem all the more real {there are dozens of rules stopping them dressing how they want, but Kurt loves a challenge and Brittany trusts him enough to let him get carried away.}

They’re half way through picking the colour scheme {Brittany can’t make her mind up between black and silver or neon green and pink} when Kurt slips in a mention of Santana and Brittany freezes up. She hasn’t seen or heard the Latina in a long while, and she’s both trying and failing to convince herself that the Latina doesn’t exist and she doesn’t know what to say because she knows that Kurt’s not afraid to take the conversation where Brittany absolutely doesn’t want it to go. And he does take it there, and he doesn’t do it gently, just comes out and asks her if she likes her. She wants to say no, that there’s nobody on earth that she hates more, but Santana isn’t here and she’s not riled up and she refuses to twist the truth. Because the truth is that before she might have admitted to hating her, but now she can’t help but acknowledge there’s something about Santana Lopez, whatever that something may be and that something is oh so attractive to her. She just wonders if she can get past the absolute bitch that she appears to be.

When Kurt leads her back to the others she’s deep in thought, and all kinds of distracted, Puck and Artie notice and automatically deduce that it’s Kurt’s fault {but they’re also a little worried because Brittany is almost never lost in thought, and when she is it’s never a good thing.} But they continue working, because talking to Brittany is useless at the moment, so they have to wait for her to come out of this intense train of thought {and they can’t exactly take on Kurt when Brittany’s in the room, whether she’s paying attention or not.}
Kurt is the only one not completely focused and so he’s the only one who notices Brittany shaking her head from side to side, a sure indicator that she’s not thinking so hard. He’s also the only one who notices her slipping through the door and away from her supposedly observant guard. Only Kurt doesn’t want to take the blame for letting her get away so he pretends to be just as engrossed in his work as the others and he hides a smile when Puck and Artie realise that she’s gone.


Santana’s minding her own business when somebody walks right into her, sending her backwards to the floor {Brittany’s sort of lost in thought and she’s defiantly not looking where she should be going nor is she looking where she’s been.} She’s just about to go all head bitch on her sort of attacker when she sees the familiar blonde hair and apologetic look. Brittany extends a hand out to her, but her pride’s just taken one hell of a knock so she refuses and pulls herself to her feet. Santana is surprised at the lack of aggression in Brittany’s eyes, she just looks sort of lost and confused, and it makes Santana’s insides flutter.

Santana thinks Kurt knew something like this would happen, and she’s thankful he’s prepared her on how to approach Brittany so that maybe they can stop this animosity. Only when she asks Brittany if she’s lost it ends up sounding less like a friendly gesture and more like a half hearted mock. It’s then Brittany’s fire returns, with demands to know if Santana’s calling her an idiot. Santana wants to apologise but she’s feeling hurt and stupid {because really she shouldn’t have listened to Kurt and his stupid advice} so she lies because it’s easier, and just like that they fall back into the familiar pattern of arguing. Only neither of them are in a very good mood and the fight ends up surpassing all others, so it’s only natural that they say things they couldn’t really mean. Still when Brittany tells her she would be happy if she never saw her again, Santana hurts more than she ever has before, so she hurts Brittany back. It works, because when Santana calls Brittany brainless and expresses her wish to never see her again, Brittany feels like she’s split in two and something vital has been removed.

brittana, fanfic, glee

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