Charity Scam - Operation Move 2 NC

May 19, 2010 10:52

The premise is decent enough; raise $500,000 so that four nominated families from around the country will have a chance at a fresh start in Four Oaks, North Carolina, where foreclosure rates are rising. The problem? The charity raising the funds, Operation Move 2 NC, is not in compliance with solicitation laws of the state of North Carolina (North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 131F - Solicitation of Contributions) and therefore NOT a legitimate charity. The "charity" was started by people on Twitter as a result of discussions about moving friends from California to North Carolina. Michael, Sarah, Joshua, Amber, Cody, and Elaine are all listed as board members of the charity. The only two corporate sponsors, The Social Tweep and 2nd Annual 24-hour Movie Marathon, are both run by board members. The website (while looking a bit sloppy) might pass off as legit. The issue is that they're not giving notice as to whether or not they're 501c3 compliant (which they're required to do whether they are or not, otherwise, it's misleading) and they have to list on they're website if they have a Charitable Solicitation License with the state of North Carolina. Looking at the CSL database, they don't.

If anyone has given money to this "charity", they need to demand it back or cancel their transactions if they haven't already cleared. As this group isn't compliant with federal law, they're illegally taking people's donations and until they do comply, they're breaking the law. It's really that simple.

UPDATE: I was contacted by someone from Operation Move 2 NC via the group's Twitter account and was informed that they've filed as a 401c3 charity and that's pending approval. First of all, a 401c3 charity is a PROFITABLE charity, and as such they need to inform their donors what the funds they're giving will be used for other than their goal. Secondly, the group would have to mention this on the website, otherwise it's misleading to the public. Every legitimate organization that takes donations discloses information regarding their licensing and tax status.

charity, scam

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