About 2 months late, but I finally finished the punk scarf I was knitting for my mom. I got word that it safely reached her, so I figure it's safe to post now. ( Pics and details under the cut )
I'm not saying the above to sound bitchy, but I've just noticed that people are a lot more accepting of food and other lifestyle choices you make out of biological or situational necessity vs. voluntary ones based on how it seems correct to you to live. So you get to deal with the moral component whether or not that was part of your decision-making process. I guess I shouldn't let the opinions of others control me, but if I'm honest, part of it is living consistently with the principles of non-violence and sustainability, and part of it is trying to stave off as many personal headaches as possible. I guess the only thing I can do is sort it out as thoroughly for myself as possible and be prepared to explain my position calmly and patiently when asked, because it will come up with vegans and non-vegans alike if I choose to eat vegan but continue using animal fibers.
Thanks for the comment, it obviously gave me lots to think about. Good luck with the cycling thing - it sounds like it'd be fun. If you really want to do it, I'd say just go for it and be the polite one on the road that defies the stereotype. :D
First, no, you didn't come across as the holier-than-thou type; a couple of your comments about the questions you're asking yourself (understandable questions given the changes you're making and thinking of making etc) reminded me of multiple instances where people I somewhat agree with make me want to rebel against them, and I just wanted to make sure you thought of that as part of the process. I didn't have the impression that you would be that way, and actually felt you would be opposed to that sort of behavior, and just wanted to warn you to keep that potential in mind.
And when I do get off my lazy ass and do the biking thing, you can be sure I'll be one of the ones who realizes they have to follow the rules too.
Just to butt in, living with the rules of the label is NOT worth it. A lot of people wouldn't consider me vegan at all, because I do eat things with white sugar in them sometimes, I do eat faux cheese with casein, etc. I just try to do the least harm I can, and anyone who really cares understands that.
And, as I read once someplace (I cannot remember where), it's still better to eliminate meat, etc from your diet, even if you're still wearing animal fibers (to use your case as an example), because you are still *reducing* harm and making a healthy, ethically informed choice. Of course, there are the other people who think we should disdain all forms of faux meat...veggie burgers just perpetuate the idea of hamburgers, and they don't think that's ok. Seriously.
I'm not saying the above to sound bitchy, but I've just noticed that people are a lot more accepting of food and other lifestyle choices you make out of biological or situational necessity vs. voluntary ones based on how it seems correct to you to live. So you get to deal with the moral component whether or not that was part of your decision-making process. I guess I shouldn't let the opinions of others control me, but if I'm honest, part of it is living consistently with the principles of non-violence and sustainability, and part of it is trying to stave off as many personal headaches as possible. I guess the only thing I can do is sort it out as thoroughly for myself as possible and be prepared to explain my position calmly and patiently when asked, because it will come up with vegans and non-vegans alike if I choose to eat vegan but continue using animal fibers.
Thanks for the comment, it obviously gave me lots to think about. Good luck with the cycling thing - it sounds like it'd be fun. If you really want to do it, I'd say just go for it and be the polite one on the road that defies the stereotype. :D
And when I do get off my lazy ass and do the biking thing, you can be sure I'll be one of the ones who realizes they have to follow the rules too.
And, as I read once someplace (I cannot remember where), it's still better to eliminate meat, etc from your diet, even if you're still wearing animal fibers (to use your case as an example), because you are still *reducing* harm and making a healthy, ethically informed choice. Of course, there are the other people who think we should disdain all forms of faux meat...veggie burgers just perpetuate the idea of hamburgers, and they don't think that's ok. Seriously.
I say, whateverrrrr, come back to EARTH!
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