Frig- a- doodle!

Jun 22, 2009 14:54

   The first paragraph is for the women - so guys, you can skip this part.

What is with every one of my friends bitching about their period? huh? Its not like its something that only you go through. It's not like its a debilitating disease or something! Its your body's way of telling you that you're a perfectly healthy and normal human being with ovaries in tact and eggs still being produced. It's your bodies way of regulating your hormones so that you STAY healthy. Sure there are side effects sometimes like mild bloating, irritability, and food cravings, but WHO CARES! so you bleed out your hoo haa for 3-5 days and then you're back to normal. There is absolutely no reason for you to stop your regular everyday routines because of a little menstrual cycle. Modern medicine has created a little pill. It's called Midol. It helps. Take it. If you want to go swimming, learn to use tampons! their actually more safe and more hygenic than pads and they let you do all of your normal activities without leakage. But seriously....billions of people have periods and billions of people say its no big deal, so what makes your experience any different or worse than anyone elses. being misinformed? being unwilling to try new methods? hmm? I'm just saying...Why is this still an issue with so many of you?

My second paragraph is for everyone - guys you can come back now.

What is with people always wanting to do stuff that requires money? We're in an economic crises people! plus the fact that some of us are fresh out of a very expensive education and can't afford to go out to dinner every day or shopping every second day or camping or traveling, among other things. There are plenty of other things we can do that don't require monetary sustenance or consumerism. Tara and I have a large indoor pool at our disposal for free any time we want. free swimming.  and no it won't give you pink eye or warts as it is cleaned and treated with steril products every single day. Don't want to go swimming? how about a walk in the park? how about a movie night at home with a DVD? How about a craft day for god sakes! I just wish that the world would get beyond this consumerist outlook and start seeing the world as their playground. The creator has given us everything we need. with a little resourcefulness and creativity we can have fun and save money at the same time. I'm just saying.

I'm here if ever anyone wants to talk to me. I'm not a hermit. I promise. If you feel like you never see me its because everyone works and I am usually only on my computer for like an hour a day. when I am online I do check your profiles on facebook! I DO care about what you guys are up to. I'm still around and I'm still a friend. just because I'm hard to get a hold of doesn't mean I don't care about you. And just because I have mild nervous freakouts doesn't mean that I don't want you around....if anything it means I need you around more.

Anyways...I've gone on long enough...have a good one guys....seriously! message me!

just some mild irritations

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