Oct 23, 2007 12:39
Am I the only person who's heard that there's been some spectacular elections in Poland, where the ruling Evil Party, headed by a pair of Evil Twins, has been ousted by a liberal opposition party on the biggest turnout since the fall of Communism and by a majority that's startled pretty much everyone? And the vast armies of ex-pat Poles living in the UK, France and so on voting and contributing to the shift.
Because I've not heard a word of it on the news. I can understand Michael Palin skipping over awkward difficult stuff in favour of lighthearted fun-poking. (And presumably he recorded the stuff months and months ago.) But the Today programme this morning had a report by Mark Mardell, their Europe correspondent, live from Poland. Mentioned tensions between Poland and its two huge neighbours, including an entertainingly arch comment about how it was rarely good news when Germany and Russia did deals that didn't involve Poland, and a lot about the EU. Now nationalism vs the EU was - I previously understood - a key point in the election between the Law and Justice Party and the Civic Platform. If not they key issue. So you'd have thought this huge turnaround in Poland's political direction would be worthy of at least a mention. But he didn't say a word about the election.
I was starting to worry that I'd hallucinated it all, but luckily you can find news reports online if you look hard enough. But whatever is going on?