Apparently, it is the opinion of a portion of alumnae and parents that the reason RMWC has decided to go co-ed is because the "Alternative Lifestyles" were too visible on campus and this drove away prospective students. Homos - we have done it again. We must now bow our heads and accept responsibility for the death of Randolph-Macon Woman's College.
I suppose the claim by these people is that the women of RMWC are not "enlightened" enough to live side by side with people who are different from them. The women of RMWC like homogeny of thought, lifestyle and physical attributes. RMWC women never want to be challenged to learn to live in a diverse society and thrive with people of varying race, religion and sexual orientation. No sir. RMWC women want an army of "mainstream girls" in makeup and dresses, who are exactly like them. Anyone who challenges the system will clearly kill the system.
I suppose RMWC is the ONLY women's college with a visible lesbian community, thus clearly, the ONLY women's college who would be impacted by such.
So, I apologize to all of you out there. I apologize to the far, far, far larger number of alums who like to kiss boys. I'm really sorry that I (we) brought down an entire academic institution and 115 years of history by kissing a girl.
Edited to Add: I did notice that the primary commentary on this subject was not made by an alum, but a father who has apparently spent an unhealthy amount of time on campus. Only one alum who commented even dignified that comment with an acknowledgement...maybe RMWC women aren't as scared of the lesbos as he would make it seem. Maybe - just maybe - RMWC women as a whole are intelligent, strong and can live and learn from a diverse society. Maybe, he underestimates the women of RMWC by projecting his own agenda onto them. Maybe, just maybe, we didn't kill the college after all.
(Reference: See article - not the actual article, the commentary below.)