just_1_word | 24.8. Decision

Apr 01, 2009 16:35

28.4. Decision

Co-written with doctortara

[Follows THIS]

Tara decided that if there was going to be a Heaven and she got to choose what it was, it would be this. Lying naked in bed wrapped around her as equally naked husband and feeling his arms locked protectively around her. It wasn't even because they were post-coital, even if they technically were. It was just because it felt right. Her legs were entwined with his and she ran her hand lethargically back and forth across his stomach. "You awake, sweetie?" she asked softly, watching his eyes to see if they would open. She hadn't been sure if he had dozed off in the content haze. She wouldn't begrudge him a nap after what they had just done.

Lachlan opened his eyes just a little and smiled sleepily at her. "Aye, just," he murmured and pressed a kiss to her lips. For the first time in literally weeks... months, even, he was starting to relax and unwind. He could actually go so far as to say he was beginning to feel normal again... albeit slightly at a loss like he had a missing arm without their baby son in easy reach. It was nice, though. Perfect, and definitely cathartic to have some intimate private resting time with Tara. There was no doubt they both needed it.

Tara bit her lip and smiled fondly at him. She brushed his messy hair back and stroked his cheek. "What are you thinking?" she asked and then moved her finger to stroke his forehead. "Those deep, worried creases have gone, and so has the pained frown," she noted with relief.

"How much I owe Riley and Pat for this," Lachlan admitted with a small laugh. "I dinnae think a drink will cut it. Pat willnae drink this soon after being ill and I dinnae think Riley will much either if he's going to start the IVF process with Evie. Either way, it wouldnae be enough. I dinnae know if anything will be. I was lost. I couldnae find my way back without you and they gave us that chance."

Tara nodded. "I know," she said quietly, still stroking her fingers through his hair. "But however you try to thank them, they won't accept it. We're just lucky our wee boy has the world's best godfathers, even if I do keep checking our phones for missed calls. I feel like I've left them half of my heart to babysit," she admitted sheepishly.

Lachlan laughed with a nod. "Aye, I know. I was just thinking that. But they're amazing with him. I'm sure he's keeping them well busy." He chewed on his lip and met her gaze. "I've been thinking about something these past few days... I was just wondering, do you have your heart set on Riley being christened Presbyterian? I know it's what you were christened and we agreed that's what we wanted, even if him getting sick has stopped us actually having the christening yet, but were you completely set on Presbyterian?"

Tara propped her head up on her elbow so she could see his face better. She knew for him to raise the subject like this that it was important. "Not really, baby. My side of the family was never particularly religious in a practicing sense. It just seemed like a natural choice considering your Church of Scotland wasn't here in Princeton for us to get him christened. What's going through your mind with it?"

"It might be a crazy stupid idea and I'll blame my brain going in overdrive of late, but I thought maybe we could take a trip home. You, me and the bairn. We could visit Ireland and Scotland so our families can meet him and we could maybe go in May and while we're there we can get him Christened in Edinburgh in my parents' church... I was thinking maybe we could do it on our wedding anniversary," Lachlan said, chewing on the inside of his lip as he played the suggestion back over in his head to see if it sounded as crazy as it seemed. "It would mean Pat and Riley would have to meet us over there for the christening with the whole godfather thing, but I dinnae think they'll mind. We can only ask. It will be a couple of weeks after the twin wedding anyway."

Tara blinked as she processed the idea in her head and then she broke into a grin. "You're more than just a pretty face, aren't you, gorgeous?" she laughed and then kissed his nose. "I love it. If Riley stays well on this insulin regime, let's do it! I haven't been home in ages and you're right, he needs to meet his family sooner rather than later. He needs to breath the Scottish and Irish air into his soul. Church of Scotland is exactly where he should be christened, in the same church you were."

"Really? Are you sure? I dinnae mind if you dinnae want it. It was just an idea," Lachlan said but he was smiling, not quite sure he could let himself get his hopes up too high.

"Really, really," Tara laughed, rolling over onto him so she could cup his face in her hands to kiss all over his face. "We're going home, baby! I think we should celebrate..." she said with a cheeky smile, moving her hand down between them to tease him with a small squeeze.

Lachlan laughed as his breath hitched. She really knew exactly how best to celebrate. His body responded immediately and he wrapped his arms around her waist to push up against her. "Oh, aye? You're ready for another wee round are you, beautiful?"

"Oh, there's nothing wee about your rounds, doctor," Tara purred and laughed loudly when he flipped them over so he was on top of her. She gazed up at him, her hair in disarray across the pillow and her eyes shining mischievously. She wrapped her leg around his hip and arched her back to push against him. "I love you, gorgeous. I want to show you how much."

Lachlan exhaled sharply at the fristion and leaned in to claim her lips with his. "You dinnae need to ask twice, beautiful."

Riley Browne [pullmysteth] & Patrick Preston [sexyinscrubs] referenced with permission

Word Count | 1,035

[co-written] doctortara, [ship] tara, [with] doctortara, [comm] just_1_word, [plot] parenthood

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