(no subject)

Aug 30, 2004 00:07

I can tell summer's coming to a close. I'm becoming less busy and my day's are becoming signifigantly more boring. Nothing's much is going on anymore.A lot of talking on the phone though. Anyways, I have nothing really important to say.
Monday I lost $5 at poker. Enough said. Tuesday I didn't do much of anything. I most likely fell asleep whilst watching baseball. Then couldn't get to sleep at night. Wednesday was more of the same, I assume. Same with Thursday. Alhtough Thursday during the day was the MAPP golf tournament. (Minnesota Association of Parking Professionals) My coworkers Jim, Jon, Brian and I all went to it. I stunk. Awfully. I finally figured out that my arms were too straight, which is why I couldn't hit the ball anywhere, but that was only on the last two holes. *sigh* I'll be teased a while for that one. My coworkers like to tease me a lot, actually. It was odd that I was technically on the clock yet drinking beer. But a good kind of odd. I was like one of five people not to win a door prize though.
Friday I didn't do anything. I can't even find anything to do on a Friday night. How sad. Saturday I went to the State Fair. I ate a lot of unhealthy things. No Mini donuts though. That was a slight travesty of justice. I could've stayed longer and hung out with Austin and friends after my family left, but I was pretty faired out by then. I just went home. Then Jackie called, like she usually does. My life has been so odd lately.
Today I did nothing except some minor cleaning around the house. The Twins lost. Sad. I'm tired. I should go to bed. Maybe actually get to work at a decent time.

Thought of the Day: I've noticed that anytime I see something adorned with the American flag, I immediately dislike the owner. I'm actually pissed about this. To me, at least, the American flag has become a right-winged conservative symbol. I mean, go to any pro-gun website. They plaster the American flag like wallpaper. As if to say there's nothing more American than giving people the easiest means to kill eachother. No longer can I view somebody waving the American flag as patriotic, only nationalistic. The flag no longer stands for free thought, but for close mindedness.
I see a guy with an American flag bumper sticker on the back of their car and I immediately assume they're Republic gay-hating, Bush loving conservatives. That's just not right. And I suppsoe stereo-typing on my part. Well, I love this country. I hate the people in charge and what they're doing to it, but the country itself was found on great values. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom period. This is America, and they are great things it stands for. And I'm sick of being brainwashed into thinking of the American Flag as a Republican symbol. Maybe it's my fault, or maybe they wanted me to think that way, but no more. I'm going to take it back. People may think that waving the American flag is being a patriot and being a conservative. Like you can only be patriotic if you're conservative. But I feel I'm the true patriot. The original patriots questions authority, not blindly followed it. The original patriots risked their lives and would do anything to keep their liberties. They'd never give up their liberties because some government body said it was for their own good. (What's funny, is that the Republican's want us to give our rights to 'better keep us safe', yet would never dream of taking away the one liberty that puts us in the most danger.) And to be patriotic is to say all people are created equal. That should mean that all people are allowed to get married to whomever they want. And if you think gay marriage is un-American, then perhaps you should review what America is all about. But now I'm getting way to preachy and I'm babbling. Sorry.

Quote of the Day: "A wave of babies," - Dude with guitar
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